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"I'm home," I yell loudly shutting the door behind me

the smell of grilled chicken hits me I really love grilled chicken it's one of my favourite healthy foods

I walk into the kitchen to find my father cooking grilled chicken, thought so

"Hi sweetie how was your day" he asks

"It was alright I mean schools school" I say kissing him on the cheek

"I understand pumpkin, why don't you put your bag away and we will sit down and eat" he says

"Okay" I say happily

I love just sitting down and eating with my father

I walk upstairs and put my bag by my desk and my phone to charge 

I slowly walk to the bathroom and take some of my makeup off not all but most of it, then walking back to my room picking up my phone and walking down the stairs

When I'm walking down the stairs someone knocks at my door

"Pumpkin can you grab that" my father tells

"Yep" I yell back jogging around the corner and opening the door

I'm taken back by who I see standing in my door way

"M-Mr. B-Bieber w-what are you d-doing here" i ask stuttering more than intended

"I came to speak to your father is he home"? He asks

"W-Why my father"? I ask worryingly

"It's a surprise Ms. Grande, I called your house phone but no one answered so I decided to come here I hope you don't mind" he says making me smile then drop it

"Y-Yes he is" I say before my father sneaks up behind me opening the door wider so he could see

"Sweetheart who's at the door"? he asks

"This is Mr. Bieber my history teacher" I tell him

"Nice to meet you sir" Mr. Bieber says shaking my fathers hand

"Likewise" he says

"I actually came to speak with you but if this is a bad time" Mr. Bieber says before being interrupted by my father

daddy | jariana -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now