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Ariana Tuesday

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I can't believe Justin would betray be like that.. After everything and all his over protectiveness  and all the bullshit he put me through

I still have school and he still works there, he's still my teacher and I need my GED I have to get through this I have to pretend like nothing ever happened

I walk to the classroom along side Zac who's telling me about our plans making me excited again but when we get to the classroom Justin isn't there..

It's some random guy named Mr. Vella what..

"Excuse me where is Mr. Bieber"? I ask and the man looks at me

"I can't tell you that but I'll be in for a few days" he says and I nod taking my seat next to Olivia and Selena and they both look at me and I furrow my eye brows

"Well where is he"? Olivia asks and Selena chuckles

"Like she'd know they broke up" she says almost in a snotty but happy tone making me groan remembering that day

"Do you mind, You at least owe me that" I say looking at her and she mumbles something under her breath nodding

"Broke up?" she asks "why"? She adds

"We had a little fight its nothing" I say turning my attention to the teacher trying to forget my fight with Justin

• • • •


"Ariana" I hear someone yell, it's Zac catching up with me

"Yeah?" I ask smiling

"So your gunna come over today right" he asks and I nod excitedly

"I can't wait this is going to be so fun" I say clapping my hands and jumping while he chuckles

"You were always so cute I don't know why I didn't ask you out before, you know you had a boyfriend who's very lucky by the way" he says and I sigh

"Yeah I guess he is" I say lowly and Zac leads me outside

"Want a ride to my house my cousin will come later and you and liv can hop in" he says and I shrug looking for Olivia

"Yeah sure as long as liv what's to" I say and I see Olivia jogging towards us

"Zac can I have a ride to your house" she says and I giggle

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