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Justin One month later

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One month later

"Ok class your homework is pages fifty to sixty one and answer questions 1a, b and c" I say looking at them taking notes

I look and see Ariana, my Ariana playing with the ends of her hair biting her lip looking down at the ground

The bell rings loudly in my ears although it's been the same for a month now

"Mr. Bieber," I hear a female voice say

"Yes Ms. Lenix" i say turning around to face her

Ariana and I have talked about what Olivia tried to do, they aren't on good terms anymore and she absolutely hates it when I speak or even breath near Olivia, she's over exaggerating a little bit

"I was wondering, for question 1c are we aloud to look online for the answer"? She asks stupidly

"No, like I said read pages-" I start

"Yea yea I know I just needed an excuse to talk to you" she says biting her bottom lip

I look over to see Ariana writing something down still playing with the ends of her hair

"Ms Lenix that is not appropriate" I say gesturing her towards the door

She shakes her head giggling a little

"Come on Ariana" Olivia says as Ariana gets up walking out the door

"She's been so moody lately" Olivia says before walking out of the classroom herself leaving me alone waiting till I can see my princess once more


I walk to science 101 and take my normal seat next to Olivia, she isn't making eye contact with me she to focused lost in her thoughts

"You think he'd fuck his students" she says quietly

I gasp looking at her in shock, I shake my head

"I think so, he seems like that type of person" she says

Yes he is, I mean I'd know I've been fucking him for roughly a month now

"Maybe" I whisper back "I wouldn't try anything though you and him could both get in seriously trouble" I say

"Oh come one Ariana step out of your comfort zone let lose I know you want to fuck him as well" she says winking at me

"N-No I don't" I say raising my hand

"Yes Ariana"? The teacher asks

"May I excuse myself"? I ask politely

"You may" he says as I walk to the door and walk down the hall

I pass Justin's room seeing him sitting there wearing glasses and typing something on the computer, I decide to walk back and say hello

I lean on the door frame watching him for a second before knocking

He turns around quickly jumping a little, guess I scared him

"Hi princess" he says lowly gesturing me to come in, I do

"Hi handsome" I also say lowly closing the door behind me

"Aren't you supposed to be in class"? He asks

I nod "Liv was talking about having sex with you and was all like, Oh I know he's one of those teachers who fucks his student, and I was all no and she was like you want it, so then I left" I say taking a deep breath after words and shrugging

He chuckles "she hit the nail right on the head"

"What do you mean"? I ask

"Well I love fucking you and your my student" he says


I nod wrapping my arms around him feeling his hand on my waist before the door swiftly opens and we part quickly

"Yes so that's how you do the homework, hopefully this time was productive for you" he says

"Oh uh okay thanks Mr. Bieber" I say nervously walking out

"Faculty meeting, yes il be here" is all I can catch before closing the door and walking back to class giddy as hell

I walk back to class with a smile plastered on my face taking my seat and daydreaming about what would have happened thanks Ms. Bridge

"What's wrong with you" Olivia asks me

"Nothing what do you mean"? I ask

"Your never happy, well at least recently" she says


"I don't know I just am" I say harshly

"Oh jeez.. What did I do that was so wrong"? She asks

The bell rings

Not wasting anytime I get my stuff and quickly walk out of that room, truth be told the reason I stopped talking to her was because she tried to give Justin a blow job.. Ok that's my job

She catches up to me pulling me outside to the garden, we are alone

"Please tell me, please" she begs

"You tried to fuck my boyfriend" I say lowly

"What.. No I didn't, I wouldn't hurt you like that" she says

"Y-You just wouldn't understand" I say

"Please" she gives me puppy dog eyes

"Justin, Bieber, Mr Bieber" I say quietly

"WAIT WHAT"? She yells and I jump a little

"Shhh" I say covering her mouth

"Mr. Bieber as in history 101" she asks

I nod shamefully

"It all makes sense now" she says

I look confusing at her

"Well he does treat you like his favourite and you talk a lot and he always looks at you I mean that's why he wouldn't let me give him a blow j- I mean.. I'm sorry I didn't know" she says

"I know I couldn't tell anyone or else.." I shake my head dismissing the thoughts

"Yea.." she says

I nod my head

"You can't tell anyone" i say roughly

She nods

"Secrets are what keep friends close" she says

And with that my secret was shared, our friendship closer, he'll hate me for this but it's worth it.. I think

Yay new update so.. Yea the time skip was about a month so they've been together for a month now but it will get kinky soon I swear

Secrets have been shared

I think I have an idea for when Justin finds out or someone finds out

A big reveal will happen.. Idk maybe maybe maybe :)

Anyway it's 12:00am and I have school so I need to sleep

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