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WARNING: Heavy sexual content ahead/dirty images :) you've been warned

WARNING: Heavy sexual content ahead/dirty images :) you've been warned

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So it's the next day, I spent the night reminiscing about previous events and reading pages 2-10 ew he may wanna fuck me but I guess that doesn't mean I get straights A's ugh

"Ariana are you ready for school il drive you" my father says helpfully

"Yes" I smile while replying

I get into his old mini van and turn up the radio they are playing this lit song called 'I took a pill in Ibiza" I really like this song

My father parks and kisses me on the check before I get out hear my stilettos hit the paved ground and shutting the door behind me, I walk over to Olivia who is talking to his guy I've never seen before

"Hey Ariana" Olivia greets me

"Hi Livy" I say hugging her

"I'm Ariana nice to meet you" I say shaking the unfamiliar mans hand

"Hello I'm Jai" he replies giving me a seductive look and excepting my hand

"Well me and Olivia have to go to class now but maybe we'll see you later"? I say coming out more of a question than a statement

He nods and so does Olivia before I drag her with me to my first class history 101 with my oh so sexy hunk a man
a/n I laughed so hard writing that

"Sooooo" Olivia says

"So"? I ask

"You read the pages"? She asks

"Yep" I reply "you"?.

"Nah I wanna stay after class, he looks like a teacher that would fuck me y'know" she says giggling

I gasp.. Hell no back off.. What am I saying?

"Good morning Mr. Bieber" I say

"Good morning Mr. Bieber" Olivia say a little more seductively before dropping her books purposely

"Oops" she says stepping in from of him and bending down and her fucking ass was on his dick.. My dick, what the hell is wrong with her

Justin doesn't looked phased by this at all

"Here ya go" she says winking at me

"Uh Ms. Lenix you dropped this," he says handing her a pen that fell out of her outfit"and thank you for that very public display of affection" he adds smiling to her

"I have no idea what your talking about" she says winking at him

"Alright Olivia take your seat" he says smirking at her

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