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So it's been about 3 days post Justin and i's break up/fight I don't even know anymore, all I know is I'm miserable, he's like a drug, my drug I know he's bad for me but I need him, more than ever now my brother just came back from.. Where else.. Jail, yay.. To live with that psychopath and this constant pit in my stomach is just great

"You okay sweetie?" Olivia asks me

I shake my head as I sit in a ball on my bed

"Oh come on you need to be okay, if he did that to you he doesn't deserve you" she says rubbing my arms

"W-Was I not g-good enough" I say sniffling

"You were perfect I bet he was just being stupid" she says trying to calm me down "At least you didn't let him.. Y'know" she says winking and I remember, I cry even more

"Oh my gosh you did didn't you" she says sounding disappointingly

I nod my head not being able to talk

"It's okay, it's going to be okay" she says hugging me tightly

"Thank you livey for being here for me" I say hugging back

Hopefully I can get over this in 20 mins because I have school, I have to see him ugh why why why

• • • •

I walk into school pretending everything is okay, I walk to my locker, open it and drops my books inside not really caring anymore

I walk to Justin's class prepared to face my Achilles heel, my history teacher

I walk in and directly go to my seat avoiding all eye contact with him making sure he doesn't see how much I'm hurting inside

"Your doing so good" Olivia whispers in my ear

I nod, I may burst into tears or all our sobs if I talk

"Already lets talk hitler" Justin says beginning the class

Selena's hand shoots up, I almost forgot about that witch

Justin nods his head toward Selena who was sitting right next to me

"He like hated the Jews or something" she says kinda sounding dumb

( I know about hitler and his tragic those times were but I'm just using that for this instance, so don't say mean things about me I know this is a touchy topic )

"Yes that's correct can someone elaborate"? He asks looking at me with his brown doughy eyes, they almost look apologetic.. Still

I shake my head and look back down at my desk and start drawing in my journal of thoughts

The class goes on as planned or so I assume I wasn't really paying attention to what was happening around me all I was focused on was not bursting into tears

"Have a good weekend class" Justin says as the bell rings "Ms Grande, please have a seat I need to discuss something with you" he says pointing for me to sit down

I sit down and avoid eye contact writing a little bit more in my journal as he sits in the chair in front of me, he then takes me hand and brings it to his lips

"Oh how I've missed you" he whispers into my hand

I pull it away sending him a dirty look

"Oh come on Ariana you can't be mad forever" he whines

"Watch me" I say getting up

"Wait, wait, please wait" he says grabbing me by my waist leaving no room between us, this time I don't pull away I like this 

"Hear me out"? He asks

I nod still avoiding initial eye contact at certain points

"Listen baby, she kissed me after I confessed my love for you, I didn't kiss back that was me trying to pull away, when you ran away from me after i told you I loved you felt like I was just kicked in the balls, I can't live without you" he says kissing my nose

I smile

"I-I believe you" I say smirking back

"I love you" he whispers in my ear sexually

"I love you too" I say making him pull away

"Wait what"? He asks quickly

"I love you" I say "my life kinda sucks without you so yeah I was pretty upset but I mean I'm over it, I felt like crying half the time, that's when I realized I loved y-" I say before being picked up and put on a desk and his lips connect to mine

I kiss back grabbing onto his hair and wrapping my legs around his muscular waist bringing him closer to me

"Ariana I have a class right now" he says sadly dropping my swiftly on the floor brushing me off a little before walking me to the door

"I love you" I whisper at the door

"I love you to, I'm going to fuck you so hard once I get the chance" he breaths out the last part

I grab hold on his tie swirling it in my fingers

"Il be waiting" I say seductively before existing the room and strutting my way down the hall way

So that happened, the truth was told or a very well thought out, well executed lie was told never the less we are together and happy once more let's hope it lasts.

So new chapter, I'm so sleepy but just wanted to say I'm seeing Selena in 14 days omfg

Update queen :)

Probably won't update for a little while maybe idk knowing me I probably will

Anyway bye

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