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Ariana  MondayGraduation day ----

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Graduation day

"Ariana stop right there let me take a picture of you before you come home and get all dolled up, you know Zac is one lucky guy" my dad says and I giggle

"Yeah I guess he is" I say and my father chuckles as i walk out the door

Zac is so adorable he made all his classes the same as pmine just to see me everyday even Justin's class

And although today is graduation we still have to go to school.. Ew

I get there and i go to Zac and give him a huge kiss on the lips as his teammates start cheering or something, I think they think we're having sex which we aren't

I walk hand in hand to history with him as he whispers something funny in my ear and I start giggling as we walk in the class

I look at Justin who looks sleep deprived and Zac sits at his seat while I go up to Justin

"Mr. Bieber" I say lowly

"Yes"? He says and I give him a sympathetic look

"You don't look so good" I say bluntly and he chuckles

"Worry about yourself Ms. Grande, I'll see you at graduation tonight" he says turning around and writing something on the board as I sit next to Olivia and she looks at me and I shrug

• • • •

"So Ariana," Zac says and I nod "I heard you were going to NYCU," he starts and I nod "well I got in there too" he says and I almost fall over in shock

"Really"? I say excitingly and he nods hugging me and me hugging back

I can't believe me and Zac are going to be able to see each other every single day, I'll finally be able to move on from Justin and everything he put me through

"So Zac what are you wearing today,"? I ask and he shrugs

"I'm wearing this black dress under my cap and gown and its going to be so great to graduate because we can finally leave this hell" I say and Zac chuckles

"My time in high school wasn't so bad actually" he says and I shrug

"Yeah me too except this last year sucked ass" I say and he continues to chuckle till we get to our next class

• • • •

"Dad enough pictures you'll be able to see me for like two hours sitting on a stage" I say giggling as he takes 30 pictures of me in my black skin tight dress that actually helped me look good for once

"Alright I'll see you there pumpkin" my father says I walk outside getting into Olivia's car sighing

"We're graduating," she says and I squeal

"I'm going to NYCU you need to visit me from Brown like every weekend and we can gossip like we used to" I say and she giggling with me

"So how you and Zac, does Justin know about you guys"? She asks and I sigh

"Yeah he does, i'd much rather not talk about him" I say and Olivia nods

"It's just he's been there for you for basically the whole year he's loved and cared for you, you'll have to face it eventually why not now"? She asks and I shrug

"I'm still not fully over it I mean I loved him and I like Zac right now but I think that I can love him," I say and Olivia nods and starts driving to the school

Once the we get I get out and start walking to my locker getting my cap and gown walking around the school for the last time and I pass Justin's class.. I poke my head in to see if he was there, he was sitting on the desk looking at all the empty desks with the light off

"H-Hey," I say lowly as he turns his head slowly looking at me

"Hello," he says motioning me to come in

I slowly walk in the sound of my heels hitting the floor as I walk over to a empty desk in the front row and sit on the desk part of it swinging my legs staying silent just looking at him

"I'm sorry" I say and he shakes his head

"I'm sorry I overreacted and didn't let you explain," he starts "I called you something I regret and now I've lost you.. To my cousin"

"It's okay Justin you don't always have to be a man.. You can cry, trust me I have" I say and he scoffs

"I don't need to cry nor pretend I'm a man" he says and I nod slowly

"I got a teachers position somewhere else" he says and I give him an approving look

"Cool, what school"? I ask and he shrugs

"They haven't told me yet" he says and I nod trying to ignore the elephant in the room but I can't so it anymore

"There's been a lot of memories in here" I say and he nods

"It's we're we met, where I took your virginity, where we broke up countless times" he says and I nod looking down at my cap and gown

"I have to go its 7:30" I say and he nods

"Alright I'll see you on stage" he says as I get up and walk to the door before stopping

"I love you, Mr. Bieber" I say lowly

"I love you too, Ms. Grande" he says as I walk out the door and into the auditorium and I take my seat with my cap and gown on looking out to all the parent and well wishers

• • • •

"David Grant" the announcer says as David walks on stage taking his diploma and pausing for a second so his family could take pictures

My heart was racing and the cheers of the crowd filled my ears

'Don't fall, Don't fall' my subconscious tells me as my name is called

"Ariana Grande" the announcer calls as I make my way up the stairs and on the stage getting to the principle and sponsor shaking both their hands getting to Justin who's holding my diploma

Taking my diploma in one hand and Justin hand posing for a photo he whispers something to me

"Congratulations I'm very proud of you" he says and I nod look at him and smile

"Me too good luck at your new job" is all I can get our before I'm forced to move off stage.

Well the next chapter is the epilogue sigh

Stay tuned

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