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Ariana Tuesday

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I walk into school avoiding everyone especially Zac.. He kissed me.. I didn't ask him or want him to he just did.. In a pool.. Yes I felt something but what I feel for Justin is much stronger.. Justin saw.. He left what will he say? What will he think? I don't even want to think about what he'll do.

I walk into his class room eagerly busting open the closed door with my eyes closed ready to poor my heart out to him

"We need to talk. Ju-" I say before he interrupts me

"Ms. Grande there is a makeup test in progress" he says and my hand goes over my mouth

I almost just blew out cover. Note to self always walk in with your eyes open. Idiot.

"Well then may I speak to your outside"? I ask politely as he nods looking to the 7 student in the room

"No talking while the test is in progress I'll be back soon" he said sternly turning me on so much as we walk outside he closes the door leaning on it

"Well.. What else could you want"? He asks rudely making me furrow my eyebrows

"J-Justin I'm sorry I didn't want him to" I say and he chuckles

"That doesn't matter, did you feel anything,"? He asks looking at me dad in the eyes

"N-No, well nothing I feel when I'm with you" I stutter out

"Ariana  you should go, go find Zac and be the slut you are and start making out with him again" he says and I feel tears well in my eyes when he says the word 'slut'

"F-Fine maybe I will," I say turning around before stopping "by the way I'm not a slut, but if I was you've been fucking a slut for almost a year goodbye Justin" I say walking away as hear him groan and close the door as he goes in

I go to the stage and I cry and cry and cry I until I fell like there are no more tears left until someone sneaks up on me

"Oh Ariana I was just about to do a piece, oh my gosh are you okay"? The voice asks

"Yeah I'm alright just went through a horrible breakup with my boyfriend" I say crying into his shoulder

"Well it's alright you can date me" he says chuckling and i giggle with him

"You know I might just might take you up on that Zac" I say and he chuckles

"I've always had a crush on you Ariana maybe now I can finally have my dream"? He asks and I blush a little "will you go on a date with me and be my girlfriend"? He asks and I giggle

"Yes" I say and he sighs

I stopped crying, I'm no longer crying oh thank gosh Zac came to save me, maybe now I'll have a normal relationship.

• • • •

"Zac oh my gosh this restaurant is so fancy you didn't have to bring me here I literally would've been done anywhere else" I say taking his hand

We are seated at a middle table with cute lights above us and they bring me a water and Zac orders some champagne

"We don't have to drink the champagne but if we do," he says wiggling his eyebrows making me giggle

"Well Ariana," he says picking up his glass of water "to us, and a new chapter and hopefully some romance" he says and I cheers with him and the rest is history

Btw no they didn't have sex

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