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So schools fine.. Boring but fine me and Justin are good him and Selena had this blowout and aren't speaking which doesn't effect me at all

My dad had been good Coral is another thing she's always on my ass about getting a boyfriend and you don't know how bad I want to tell him about me and Justin. So badly

"Justin," I say as he lies on my couch his head on my stomach as I play with the ends of his hair

"Yes,"? He asks

"I-I want to tell my dad about us.. I know it seems stupid but I'm graduating soon and I turned eighteen a few days ago he can't stop us" I say and Justin's head shoots up

"Baby I love you so much, but I've lost you way to many times I don't know what your father will do" he says and I sigh

"Maybe he'll be supportive of us".. I say nervously "listen I want to do this and I'm doing it tonight are you staying with me or not" I say harshly and he sighs

"I guess I don't have another choice" he says as my father opens the door coming home from work "I love you," kiss "I love you" kiss "I love you" kiss he stands up straightening his cloths and looking at me nervously

My father walks into the den stopping look at Justin

"Oh Mr. Bieber your here again. Helping Ariana with her work again"? He asks and Justin clears his throat

"Not exactly," Justin says nervously

"T-There's been something I've been meaning to tell you" Justin says and I could hear my heart beating I wonder if they could to

"Alright what is it" my father asks looking at me as I stand up taking Justin's hand laying my head on his shoulder and my fathers body tightens and he looks confusingly at us

"I'm in love with your daughter, I know what your thinking but I'm in love with your daughter, and I'm not sorry" he says and my fathers fist clench

"No.. You kidding, Your fucking kidding me right" he says moving closer to us

"No dad please, please I won't let you hurt him" I say standing in front of him and my dad slowly backs away him glaring at Justin angrily

"This is happening.. Your her teacher"! He yells and I flinch and Justin grabs my waist rubbing it telling me to calm down

"Ariana go upstairs" my father says grabbing my arm but I wiggle away fast walking to Justin and he puts me behind him protecting me even though my dad wouldn't hurt me

"Ariana please" my dad says and I shake my head

"Alright fine you'll here this as well, I could get you fired i will get you fired your over.. Ariana if he's forcing you to do this please tell me I'll call the police" he says getting out his phone dialling 911

"NO dad no he isn't please listen" I say and he moves to the couch glaring at us from the back and I take Justin's hand again looking at him nervously

"Alright well..," he says and I turn around sitting on the other couch along with Justin and my dad looks at me angrily and I slightly move away from Justin making him ease up a little bit but not enough for me to feel like Justin was safe

"This happened around the beginning of the year and I met your daughter and I fell in love with her.. I knew I shouldn't have but I couldn't help it i knew it was wrong but I loved her and I couldn't stop myself" Justin's says and i look down at my feet

"YOU WERE HER TEACHER"! My father yells and I sigh

"Dad stop yelling" I say loudly but not shouting incase

"Ariana" Justin says warningly

"Fine" I say lowly

"I know I was but I do love your daughter I'm sure you'd see things differently if she wasn't my student" and my father groans

"If she wasn't your student I still wouldn't allow this, this must be a joke tell me this is a joke" says and I shake my head

"I can't because it's not dad" I say and he stands up

"I don't want to hear your story I want you out of my house now Mr. Bieber" my father says loudly

"Justin" I say to him and he shakes his head angrily

"Mr. Bieber or should I say Paedophile get out of my fucking house" he says grabbing my arm pulling my to the kitchen counter making my stomach hit the edge of the island although I think my dad was to occupied trying get Justin out

"What the hell is happening in here" coral and Frankie come walking in

"Who's this dude"? Frankie asks getting a water from the fridge as I hold my stomach

"Oh that's Ariana's teacher" coral and and Frankie nods opening his water bottle

"Not just that but he's been sleeping with Ariana this whole fucking time they've been having sex Coral what the fuck should we do to him" my father says and I close my eyes and sigh

Frankie's hands close around the water bottle making everything spill out

"This is he teacher"? Frankie asks and my father nods

"And he's been sleeping with my little sister" Frankie asks again and I walk over to him but before I could get there Frankie's fist hit Justin right in the jaw then he did it again this time near the nose and I gasp stopping seeing Justin fall to the floor

"Throw him out" my father says as Frankie literally throws him outside.  Oh my gosh.  I run outside and see Justin getting up

"Baby.. Baby hey baby it's okay stay down" I say as he falls again his head on my lap

"Ariana.. I-" he says before I stop him

"Shh whatever they say they can't do anything I'm eighteen and your the love of my life that's all that matters" I say and he groans getting up leaving me on the floor

"I love you," he starts and I nod helping me up "I wanted your fathers approval" he says and i nod again agreeing with him

"Me too but you can't win every battle" I say and he nods as we hugs me tightly

"I'll see you tomorrow.. Hopefully unless your father reports me, I hope he doesn't I need this job" he says rambling

"I love you" I say and he smiles

"I love you too" he says kissing me and he walks to his car holding his jaw

I unwantingly walk back into my house and my whole family is sitting still and silent on the couch

"In going to bed" I say walking up the stairs

"Goodnight you little slut" coral says and I just shrug it off and fall asleep as I hit the pillow

Yikes they told her dad what will happen

Look at my cunt ass saying Ariana I'm weak

Stay tuned

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