extra chapter

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"Justin," I say and he turns to look at me "my stomach hurts" I whine and he frowns moving closer to me

I'm nine months pregnant.

His mouth comes close to my stomach as he kisses it lightly tapping it lightly making Jason move causing me to gag

"Hey you in there," just speaks softly and suddenly all the pain goes away "this is justin your father, your inside what some people would call a womb but I call it your mother, trust me I've been inside her a lot," he says chuckling as I smack him off the top of his head "sorry angel," he starts "your putting your mother through a lot of pain and I can't have my beautiful wife in pain, so all I'm asking is if you could please take the day off and sit still?" He says kissing my bare stomach before putting a hand on it as Jason kicks roughly

"Woah" I say lightly as Justin smirks "you felt that?" I ask smiling and he nods kissing my stomach again

"My son will be a little soccer player" he says quietly

"That's so adorable since Sienna hates every sport on the planet! I can be a soccer mom! We have to buy a mini van right now!" I say jokingly and Justin chuckles

"Since I know your listening, there will be urges and temptation in the world but when push comes to shove in the woman department they'll only be two women in your life, your mother and your sister, we don't need you to bring home any girls and son if you turn out to be gay, you don't need to worry about it because we will love and support you no matter what you decide to do," Justin says softly "and if you happen to fall in love with your teacher than so be it" he says and I giggle as the door bell rings

Ah Bieber family dinner

Justin opens the door as Sienna comes out running

"GRANDMA!" Sienna exclaims running into patties arms

"Hi pumpkin" she says lifting her up "hi darling" he says kissing Justin's cheek "hello dear" she says to help helping my fat pregnant ass up

"Hi Pattie" I say doing air kisses because she can't seem to hug me since I'm so huge

"GRANDPA!" Sienna says running to Jeremy hugging him tightly

"Hi darling" he says kissing her forehead

"Hi uncle jax hi auntie jazzy" she says hugging them both

Jax and Jaz are both sixteen years old now

"ZACY!" She says as zac picks her up

"Hi Cece," he says kissing her cheek "hey buddy" he says fist bumping Justin and sending me a look as he sets Sienna down coming over to me

"Hey" I say as he looks at my stomach

"Congrats," he says poking my stomach lightly "Zachary Gale Bieber jr?" He asks and I giggle

"Jason Drew Bieber" I say and he nods

"Long time no chat" he says

"Since college, wow!" I say and he nods

"I'm sorry to say this now but I can't help but imagine you as my wife, carrying my baby boy it's just a sweet thought, we could've been happy" he says and I sigh

"That was eight years ago," my voice cracking "let it go, I'm so happy now" I say rubbing my stomach and he nods as a stinging pain fills my body making me cry out in pain and justin rushes over to me

"What's wrong?" He asks worryingly

"I-I think Jason's coming" i and Justin's eyes widen as he nods helping me to the car

"Meet us there!" Justin yells to his family as they all nod frantically

• • • •

After seven hours of labor and two of consecutive pushing Jason Drew Bieber was born into the world.  Weighing in at 5 pounds three ounces he as the smallest baby we've ever seen

"Hi Jason" I say looking at his blue eyes "I'm surprised they're blue, must've got them from Pattie" I say as he coos and Justin's eyes start watering

"My boy" he says picking him up lightly taking him over to a patient Sienna waiting by my side

"Hi" she says loudly being the energetic two year old she is

"Shh he's sleeping, this is your brother Jason" Justin says and she nods touching his forehead giggling

"It's soft" she says and I smile at my children interacting for the first time unlike Sienna, Jason has light brown hair and blue eyes he looks more like Pattie than me or Justin but Sienna on the other hand has dirty blonde hair and brown eyes just like Justin

"You love him?" Justin asks and Sienna nods quickly

My perfect little family.

So that's it's, I'm actually finished with this story oh my gosh!!

Not to fret my young grasshoppers I have a new book out called rehab and also two other book in progress sooo yeah

S/O to Julianna or Julia I still don't even know what she prefers whatever sucks imma call u Julia cuz I wanna bitch! This is for you my hoe


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