chapter 29

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Chapter 29

"When will you be out of here? I really hate it here, and seeing you here." I mumbled, as I held onto Harry's massive hand through the mental bars.

"I know, Babe. But I'll be here until my trial on Sunday, and then it still stands undetermined where I will go from there."

"No it doesn't, you're going to be let out of this hell hole, and back in the world where you belong."

"You don't know that. You should see the all the evidence that work in my favour....there isn't any. Rae, my chances are slim, and I don't want you to get your hopes up."

I was growing old of Harry being so pessimistic all the time. If he knew he was innocent, wouldn't he be trying harder to win? He almost doesn't care anymore, like he is giving up and I am trying to convince him just to hold on a little bit longer. But the facts before him giving him little hope. He has been so positive before, and now he was wearing thin and I can't stand it.

"Harry, why are you giving up so easily? Don't you want to be out of here?"

"Of course I do, I would give anything just to be able to get out of here, and hold you properly, instead of your hand." He motioned to where our hands connected.

"I would too. These bars are a pain, and I just want to see you home with your family. Your mum is really worried about you, Harry."

His mum has been so busy with work, and keeping up with Harry's case lately, she hasn't even been able to see her own son. At times she'll randomly call me and ask how he is, or if he's been fed properly. It's sweet how much she worries. I suppose it's a natural instinct for mums.

"Tell her not to worry, I don't want her to see me in here. It will only make her cry." He lightly chuckled.

"She calls me all the time asking about you. It's really sweet in a way." I laugh.

I grab the chair up against the wall and bring I close to Harry's bed, so he can sit with me, and still hold my hand. He likes holding my hand a lot, he says it's soothing for him, and makes him calm. If it makes him happy whilst he's in here, I have no problem holding his hand.

"How's the outside world been for you?" He asked with a sight smirk.

"I've been working more so I can teach Jocelyn more things at work. And I've also been sleeping most of the time after that, so I couldn't tell you." I laughed.

"Jocelyn's working there? Interesting. And you're always sleeping. But how's work been otherwise? Can't be any different then the first days you've worked there for the past two years. All you do is look at books for hours. Do you still even get customers?" He laughed to himself.

I huffed in respond. He told me once that he hates to read from an actual book. He much rather read from an electronic device. He'll never know the true way to read a book.

"Yes we do! We actually had three that came in, that didn't even look like they belonged there. They looked like someone you would hangout with." I laughed.

Harry stiffened besides me, looking like he had saw a ghost. I waved my through the bar in front of his face until he came to from whatever he was so caught up in thought about.

"What did they look like?" He asked, looking straight into my eyes.

"The oldest one was maybe mid-thirty, dark hair and pretty huge. Taller than you even. And the other two couldn't have been any older than me, maybe the same age. One jet black hair, and the other blonde." I told him.

"Did you notice anything about the oldest man? Like scars, tattoos, or even jewellery he was wearing?"

"Now that I recall, I do remember seeing a tattoo on his right knuckles. I didn't know what it said, it looked like it was in French."

Harry released my hand, and rubbed his face. He let out a frustrating sigh, before turning to look at me.

"I know this will sound wrong, but was Jocelyn there at any point when he showed up?"

"N-No, she showed not even two minutes after they left."

"Fuck!" Harry shouted.

The officer standing in the corner told him to watch himself, as Harry muttered more curse words. He apologised and stood from his bed, pacing around the cell.

He was starting to scare me. What was the big deal about? It's not like Jocelyn was there, and acting friendly with them. She never even saw them.

"Harry, what's going on?"

"I don't want to scare you, so you need to do exactly as I tell you, yeah?"

"Harry, what's go-"

"Just do as I say, please."

I nodded in response, standing to I can watch Harry more carefully. His behaviour was starting to concern me.

"I need you take a break from work, for a few weeks. It's not safe for you to go there anymore."

"I can't just call out from work, Harry. It's my job." I argued.

If he expected me to leave work for no real reason, he's crazy. I can afford to but that's besides the point. I'll have no spending money for myself, and it would be very irresponsible of me. Especially with Jocelyn just starting and Danielle being the only one left to run the store, even though she is the owner.

"It's not safe for you to go there anymore. They know where you work now. You can't go there anymore."

"I guess.."

"Now, I need you to stay with Will at all costs. I mean it, Rae. He needs to be close to for most of the day, especially when you go out. When you go home, call him and tell him that they released the hawk. Tell him that and he'll know exactly what to do." He sternly told me.

"The hawk?" I questioned.

"Yes, I can't explain here, but you need to trust me. Do you trust me?"

Do I trust him? I do. But to some extend. I can't forget everything that happened that week or so ago. Or how far we have came. Do I trust him my life? No, but I may get there. Do I trust him with what he's telling me? Yes, I know he wouldn't lie about this.

"Yes." I answered.

"Good, now come here."

Harry reached his hand out for mine, and I hesitantly took it. He pulled me close, our bodies pressing closely, with the exception of metal bars in between us. His hand cupped my cheek, tilting my head up reach his green gaze.

"What's happening?" I asked softly.

"I don't know, but I don't want you put in any harm." He said whilst rubbing the rough pad of his thumb along my cheekbone.

"Harm?" My voice shook, as I slightly backed away from Harry with the thought.

"Shh, Babe, it's okay. No-one is going to harm you. I won't let it happen. Stay close to Will for me, okay?"

I nodded looking down at connected hands. My other still holding the one he had set on my cheek. He squeezed our entwined hands, then played with my small fingers. He took the ring off my finger, bringing it up closer to his sight.

'Louise' was engraved into the silver band.

"I bet she was was just as lovely as you are." He smiled.

"I'm sure she was a lot more than that." I smiled sadly.

He placed the ring back on my finger, bring my hand to his mouth, slightly kissing the ring. My eyes fluttered shut when his lips ghosted over mine next. His lips barely touching mine. I breathed in heavily when I felt his tongue teasing and tugging at my upper lip. I smiled slightly when I caught him by surprise, taking his bottom lip lightly in between my teeth.

"You're lucky I'm behind bars." He lowly growled.

"Is that so?" I raised my eyebrow, taking a long step back.

"Don't tease me, Rae." He threatened with a slight smile tugging at his lips.

"What are... you," I stepped forward, tapping his nose.

"Going to do about it?" I finished, right before he gripped my wrist in his hand, still smiling.

"If it weren't for these fucking bars, I'd take you right here on this bed." He smirked.

"How... romantic, and sanitary.." I rolled my eyes.

"Only for you, Babe." He pulled me towards him.

"Good to know you think I would lower my standards for you." I shook my head.

I gasped when his hands found my backside, squeezing roughly. My gasp was cut short by Harry's lips connecting with my own, slowly, but with a sudden urge. My hands found there way to the back of his neck, desperately gripping onto his curls. He pulled me as close as possible, hands roaming every possible area the bars would allow. Reluctantly he pulled back, taking my bottom lip with him between his teeth.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"If I don't stop now, I won't be able to finish what's been started."

I looked at him questioningly, studying his undermining smirk. I rose a brow when he took my hand in his, leading it down to his crotch. My eyes widened when I knew what he was referring to.

"I don't think you understand what you do to me, Rae." He softly chuckled.

"I don't think I'm going to stay to find out what else I can do.. I'll let you figure out that situation by yourself." I smiled backing away from his hold.

"No no, one more kiss, Babe." He smiled pulling me back in by my hand.

I smiled against his lips, breathing in the air he released. I pressed my lips to his, giving him a quick peck, before pulling away.

"Just wait 'til I get out of here. You won't be able to get away that easily." He smiled.

"I'll meet you on the other side, Styles." I replied, walking away, giving a small wave.


"I'm home!" I called into my house, which was probably useless since my dads car wasn't here.

I walked passed the kitchen, throwing my bag on the table, and over to the living room. I lit the candles around the room, adding to the to autumn mood I was feeling. Shivers ran down my spine, so I headed upstairs to my room, grabbing my oversized jumper, and pulling off my jeans, replacing them with a soft pair of leggings. When I heard the door downstairs open then close, I assumed it was my father coming home from work. Maybe I'll make some dinner for him, instead of ordering take away like we normally do. I'm not quite sure how we are both not abnormally obese with all the junk food we eat on a daily basis.

I nearly flew down the steps, excited to see my dad, but also to cook for once. I love cooking, it's great fun. I used to bake all the time when I was little, until one day I forgot the cake in the oven, and it caught on fire, almost ruining our oven. My dad didn't let me for a good year after that. In my defense it would have been a great cake... if it hadn't caught fire.

A scream admitted from my throat when I felt some grab me from behind, their rough hand covering my mouth, stifling my scream. I thrashed and kicked around, trying to get them to release me.

"Geez, Rae. It's just me." WIll looked at my concerned.

"Don't ever do that again." I huffed.

He actually scared me. I thought Harry was just being his over protective-self when he had warned me about those men. He really freaked me out by saying that, but I know I should've been more tame with my reaction. I did ask Will to meet me at my house on the car ride over. It was getting to me and I didn't even know it.

"Sorry? What's gotten into you?" He asked behind me, taking my shoulder in his hand to turn me around to face him.

" was at work and someone came in that didn't look like the nicest guy, and I told Harry and he said for me to tell you something about a hawk?"

Will's face soon turned from concern to anger. He didn't look like happy at all. Suddenly this hawk person was startling to scare the shit out of me.

"Who is he, Will?" I wearily asked.

"I think I should wait to tell you, I don't want to scare you over nothing." He softly smiled.

"But I'm already scared."

"Don't be."

Will pulled me into a hug, squeezing me tightly, as if I were to cower away. I breathed in a deep breath, enjoying his comforting hug, when the email notification went off on my laptop. I pulled away and walked over to my computer, opening the lid. When I clicked on the mail button, I was greeted by an unknown email attached with a picture.


"Always watching, Sweetheart"

Attached to the email was a picture of me hugging Will, which only took place not even a minute ago. It looked like it was taking from my living room window.

Someone is watching me.


Anyway, music helps me write a lot better when I'm listening to it, so if you have any songs that remind you of this story, you should really comment them so I can listen to them when I write. And if it helps me write, that means quicker updates ;) So pleaseeee comment songs!

Thank you all for being patient, love you :)

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