chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Rae's Pov

I woke up about a half an hour before I was supposed to meet whomever this person is. I wasn't scared like I thought I would be, more or less worried. I know I should be telling Will and Sara but I don't want to risk anything. He said he would make it worse, and I do not want to see that. I'll see whoever this person is, and maybe try to reason with them. It's unlikely it will go like that, but it's worth a shot. What could he possibly want from me? It's nothing I couldn't ration; after all I am a lawyers daughter. Will can help me once I find out what he wants. If he wants money, I'll get another job. I just don't want to deal with this person anymore. He's creeping me out.

I grabbed my jumper, pulling up my hair after. I pulled my hair up in a bun. Not really bothering for what I looked like; with my luck I'll scare him away with my appearance. When I headed to the front door, I saw Sara and Will fast asleep on the couch in each others arms. They were so cute together. I could see them growing old together, and having kids and the perfect family. With the exception of Harry.

I didn't bother with my bag, figuring this would be a quick little talk. Although, it should be the first thing to bring so I could hold something like peper spray in it. I did grab an apple, shoving it into my mouth and holding it in place with my clenched teeth so I can use my hands to grab whatever else I thought I would need.

As I walked to the street where my phone told me, I couldn't help but to laugh that most likely something cliché would happen. I'd get the 'or else speech' if I don't do what I was told. That he'd being wearing all black, with henchmen on every corner watching over. Those types of things don't happen as often as you think. Yet they seem to always happen in movies.

When I got to the street five minutes before I was supposed to show, I almost chuckled at the irony of the street being a large alleyway. I walked down further into the darkness of the morning, looking around at why this person would pick this place. The dirt covered brick looked repulsive. It was fairly open, and I'm sure when the sun rises, the darkness will be nonexistent. There were no objects -except liter- to be seen. This man is more stupid than I thought.

Snuffling of shoes could be heard from behind me as I looked on. I turned around to see the same man from the bookstore looking at me with a sinister grin. He dressed in the same black coat, with a grey t-shirt, and ugly faded blue jeans. He looked like a mess. I stood where I was as he stalked forward to me.

"Good to see you again, Sweetheart.' He grinned.

"What do you want?"

"Eager, are we?"

"Just get on with it. What do you want from me?"

He thought about it for a while. Walking around me in a circle, with a growing smirk on his face. He tapped his chin, pondering the thought. His feet making long agonising sounds as he walked.

"You see... Harry is a very complex person. He has stages of emotions. Different layers for different people."

Why are we talking about Harry's emotions? If he wanted to talk about this, he should have went to Harry himself. Who knows what else he's keeping up there in that head of his from me.

"The outside layer, which most would assume holds no emotion. They see the rough, violent monster Harry. The second layer, is the memory of his family and friends and what used to be. The memories that he still regrets to this day, but has gotten over them. The third layer, is family and friends from what he still has left, as in his mum, Will, Liam, and such. The ones dear to his heart, and would do almost anything for so he doesn't lose them, because that's all he has left. But the inside layer, the most important and crucial part, basically the core. So happens to belong to the one person he's only known for about a month, but yet that person still has the power to make him break, absolutely destroy him. And that person is you."

"What does this have to do with anything?" I rolled my eyes.

"Well what would happen if someone took away Harry's core?"

"I'm not his 'core'. We don't love each other; we're only in a relationship. I'm nothing compared to his family, so why me?"

"I never said anything about loving him." He smirked.

"Well we don't. We're just together."

"Oh, Sweetheart, everyone knows you mean more to Harry than Earth itself. I'd give you both a good two months before those three words run of out of your mouth willingly. Unless you've already have, and you're lying to me." He smirked.

"And what if I am lying, then what?"

Harry and I... we won't be that lovey couple. He's not ready to love someone that isn't his family, and I know that. I don't think he'll ever be able to love me. He's told me numerous times of what he thinks about love, and I don't think I'll ever be able to stay with someone who can't reincorporate my love, if there is any for me to give him.

"Then I'll be there to make sure he knows what it's like to lose someone most important to him."

"What will you do?"

"You won't mind taking a holiday for a few years or so, right? Maybe you won't even have to come back. I'll send you to a nice man who can take care off all your worries." He snickered.

"And I'm sure your boyfriend of yours would love a good hunt for someone who is no longer living. If I'm lucky, he'll end up right next to you in the grave."

My pulse was racing. He certainly knew how to piss someone off. Who would kill for revenge? Before I could even think about my actions, I stepped forward, slapping him hard across the cheek. His face turned with the hard motion. A eerie smile creped onto his face as he looked at me. I ran before he could do anything. I was nearly out of the alleyway before an arm wrapped around my waist, and a large hand came to my mouth preventing me from screaming. He pulled me back further into the depths of the backstreet. I struggled against him, trying to free myself out of his iron grip.

"You shouldn't have done that, Sweetheart."

I took a deep breath and remembered what my cousin had taught me when I was thirteen. I inhaled one last large breath, before jutting my elbow into the man's stomach. He immediately let go to hold his now aching stomach. I freed from his grasp, taking his shoulders in my hands to steady him. My knee lifted sharply into his crotch, making him crying out in pain. I stomped on his foot hard; one last time then pushed him to the ground with a light shove.

"You stay away from me, Harry, and anyone else we trust. Stay out of our lives, and leave us the hell alone." I seethed.


When I arrived back at Will's, I was nearly out of breath. When I got there early this morning it took me almost a half an hour to there, but I ran back here. In about fourteen minutes. I wasn't running away from fear, but the quicker I got to Will and told him what happened, the quicker he can do something about it.

Will and Sara were still asleep when I walked in, but they needed to wake up. I walked over to the back of the couch, wiggling Will out of his slumber.

"Will... wake up, it's important." I whined.

"Huh? What? What is it?" He asked now suddenly wide awake.

He groaned stretching his back. Sara eventually woke up, but cuddled back into Will. It was probably still too early for her.

"Why the hell are you up at this hour?"

"About that... Don't get mad, but I went to go meet the person sending me those messages. He told me to last night."

"Rae! Are you insane?! You should have told one of us. You shouldn't have even gone!" He yelled, now waking up Sara.

"I know, but I did, and now I know what he wants. He said I couldn't tell you I was going. But I handled it all on my own." I smiled proudly.

"What happened exactly then, Rae?"

I told him the whole story, from last night to when I ran here. I went on about how the man was basically explaining an onion. When I talked about the man's appearance and how I saw him at the shop before, Will told me he was in fact The Hawk. He told me how he has his men, but for personal business like the one we had, he comes alone. When I went on about how I hit him, and then ran, I could see his face tense. Until I told him about kicking his arse. Will couldn't believe I had done such a thing, and it had actually worked.

"And he just went down?" He smiled.

"Yeah, didn't even put up a fight." I grinned.

"You must have hit him pretty damn hard!"

Whilst Will and I were talking, Sara took it upon herself to check anything on my phone. She said there was more of a chance finding where the address came from than the computer, being that it came from an actual number. She said it may take a while again, because unlike his fighting ability, his computer skills are pretty good.

"Rae, are you listening?" Will waved a hand in front of my face.

"Oh, um no, sorry. What were you saying?"

"I said that we have to tell Harry."

"What? Why? We don't need to handle him, it's covered. Everything is fine. Why worry him if we don't have to?"

"He has to know, Rae." Will signed.

"But it's not like he can do anything about it." I argued.

"No, he can't. But his trial is in two days. This may just give him more of that push he needs to get out of there."

"I... fine." I huffed.

Why does Harry have to know? I took care of it. The Hawk didn't seem like he was going to argue with me. But now that I think about it, he probably didn't expect for me to fight back. Hell, even I didn't. I guess Will was right about it motivating Harry to get out of there. At this point I don't even know what's going on and Harry seems to like to keep that information to himself. He has been more negative, but I also don't think this is the way to encourage him. I know if I don't tell him, Will will.

"Hey guys..." Sara called quietly.

"What's up, Babe?" Will asked, leaning over her shoulder, looking at the screen she was pointing to.

Will read for a few more minutes before turning to look at me.

"Will what is it?"

"The address is traced back to your house, Rae."


If you know where I got my onion analogy with the layer thing, I love you.

someone commented last chapter how they love cliffhangers.. that's good cause I love them more ;)

love you all

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