chapter 30

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My body froze. I couldn't move. My computer slipped from my grasp onto the couch in front of me. Short, frightened breathes escaped past my lips. This has to be a joke.

"Rae, what is it? What's wrong?" Will rushed over to me.

I didn't say anything. I looked at the window where the picture was most likely taken and back to the screen of my computer. My eyes widened at the sudden thought they were still out there. Will lifted my computer, confused, before reading the email that had been left opened. He read it frantically, turned and looked at me, then the window. He shook his head acting like this wasn't real.

"We have to go, now."

He was starting to worry me more than I already was with the look on his face. Will quickly took my wrist, dragging me to the stairs.

"Pack everything you need, for five days, and I'll come get you in five minutes, then we'll leave." He told me.

I ran upstairs into my room, pulling a large bag out of my closet. I went to my dresser, grabbing anything I thought I would need, and shoved it into my bag. I was getting cosmetic items when Will bursts into my room, telling me we have to go and now.

He grabbed my heavy bag, and heaved it over his shoulder as if it were nothing. I followed closely behind Will down the steps. He dropped the bag by the door, and searched for anything else we needed. He grabbed his phone, and a few candies that were on the side table. Typical.

"Get your laptop." He instructed.

"What, no! That crazy person could send me something else, or even track us or something!"

"He can't track us if we do it first. And if he does send another message, we have to know what he's doing, or planning. Now grab the damn thing, and lets go!"

I grabbed it, not wanting to argue with him right now. We grabbed the items, and flew to the door. When Will reached for the handle, the handle itself started to jiggle and the door was opening. Almost instantly, Will pulled me behind him and backed up some. I saw him grab something that was stuffed in the waistband of his pants. When I heard the click I knew it was a gun. When the hell did he have that?

I was broken out of my thoughts when the door opened to reveal my dad. Will immediately put the gun back in the waist of his jeans. My dad looked at us confused before looking at my bag.

"Going somewhere?" He asked.

I thought it was over, I had no reasonable answer for my sudden departure, or why I had been holding onto Will for dear life. But thankfully Will was on his toes and was quick to respond.

"I was thinking about taking Rae on my family trip with my mother and I tomorrow. We'll be heading up north and staying in an old cottage my grandfather owned. Getting more into nature I suppose. I'm sorry for not asking you first, but I thought Rae was old enough to make that decision and she says she's very excited. I promise nothing will happen, she's like a sister to me, and I won't let anything happen. We should be back within some time next week, Sir."

He is a really good liar.

"Well if Rae is up for it, I suppose it's fine. I've just never seen my daughter as a nature person." He laughed.

I stiffly laughed, not really sure what else to say.

"I guess we'll be on our way now, we have a long drive ahead of us in the morning. Goodbye, Mr Clarke." Will stuck out his hand on shook my fathers.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Samuel? Mr Clarke is for work. Now you two have fun. Bye, Rae." My dad gave me a kiss on the top of my head when I gave him a hug.

"Use your manners, and be polite." He called back to us as he walked into the kitchen.

"I know!" I shouted back, grabbing my things and heading to Will's car.

Will rushed me into his car, hastily throwing my items in the back, before starting the engine and speeding away.

"Will, wait. What if they do something to my dad?" I asked worried.

"He'll be fine. Why would they hurt someone who's trying to put Harry away?" He told me, with a small smirk.

I didn't reply, figuring that he was right. I'm sure he will be just fine. It just worries me he's our house where this person knows I live. He wouldn't hurt my dad. And if anything happened I'm sure my dad could take him. He is a strong, and built man. But I know that no-one could be strong enough to stop a bullet. And that terrified the hell out of me. Just to come home one day and find his still, motionless body on our floor. And the fact that Harry has done that before, still frightens me. Even knowing Will has one right now, scares me. But I know he would only use it if he couldn't take someone with his fists. He would use it as his last option and for the right reason. Will would never kill someone without a purpose.

"We have a long drive ahead of us before we get to my mums house, unless you would be staying at my place?" He asked.

"Either is fine, I don't want to be a bother."

"Then I guess you'll be staying at my place so you have one less of a person to bother." He winked.

"Now you're making me feel bad!"

'I was joking! Besides this is all Harry's fault. Stupid child." He chuckled to himself.

I wasn't sure if Will was joking but his fully displayed dimples told me he was. I wondered how many times Will had covered or helped Harry out. But sometimes I think that Will isn't completely as innocent as he seems. There is no doubt in my mind he's done something that has involved the police. But I'm sure his record doesn't compare to the massive one that belongs to Harry. I would bet his record is shown to younger teenagers as to what happens to them if you do the types of things Harry has done.


Will had opened the door for me to his flat. The sight before me was quite surprising to say the least. His home was fully furnished, everything matching with a theme, and colours. He noticed my shocked expression, and smiled.

"It was my girlfriends idea. She has a real eye for all this stuff. She picked it out and I paid for it. Maybe you'll meet her later tonight. She's been taking later shifts for the past few weeks."

"Oh, I didn't know you had a girlfriend. What's her name?" I asked, setting my things beside the couch, where I assumed I would be sleeping.

"Her name is Sara. She's only a few years older than you. I think you both would get along great. And we have a spare bedroom where you can stay." He moved my bags down the hall and returned.

"Maybe you can come help me make some dinner? I'm sure you haven't eaten, and I know I haven't and Sara hasn't. So how about we make a simple pasta dinner?"

"That sounds great, I'm starving!"

"When aren't you?" He chuckled.

"Hey! You're one to talk!"

Will lead me to the kitchen area where he had almost every kitchen appliance I've ever seen. From the looks of it, it looked like he had an object that did anything he needed.

"Here, cut the tomatoes." He threw a bag of red tomatoes my way, and I looked at it.

"Don't you have something that does that for you?"

"I do actually, but I figured if you're staying here, you might as well earn your right to eat here." He smirked.

"Oh gee thanks." I rolled my eyes.

I sat at the counter, dicing the tomatoes, and some peppers he threw at me as well. I was actually excited to meet his girlfriend. The way his lips curved up when he talked about her. The way he talked so fondly of her. He talked about her as he prepared the pasta, how they met, how he asked her out, and was rejected. But he never gave up. They ended up seeing each other two years later and she changed her mind. How they've been living with each other for over five months. It's really sweet to see how much he loves her.

The sound of keys unlocking the door stopped me from cutting anymore. When I turned around, I saw a beautiful girl walk through the door. Her legs went on for miles, and her hair was perfectly straight dark brown, almost black. No wonder why Will wouldn't stop talking about her, she's beautiful!

Will stopped what he was doing, and ran to greet her at the door. He engulfed her in a huge hug, and kissed her cheek. I couldn't help to 'awh' aloud at the cute moment. As soon as the word let my mouth they both turned towards me. Will had obviously forgotten I was here by the red flush on his cheeks. Sara just seemed surprised by my presence, so I quickly got up and greeted her.

"Hello, Sara. I'm Rae, Will's friend, and Harry's girlfriend.." I trailed off not sure as to how I should explain why I am here.

"Oh, I've heard lots about you! Will has told me about you, and what you've been doing for his brother. I'm just glad someone was able to finally crack his thick head." She laughed.

"Yeah, Rae will be staying with us for a while, I have to watch over her because something happened when I went to check up on her tonight." Will explained.

"What happened?"

Will told her to wait a moment, before coming back with my laptop. I was just worried how she would react to it. But maybe she's used to it, I suppose. Will showed her the email, handing the laptop to her.

"What can you do?" He asked her.

What could she possibly do?

"Well, this person is definitely a professional. There are no signs of where it could have possibly came from. At least not from what I can find by myself. I'll need my equipment from the closet, can you get it for me, Will?" She asked.


"She's a genius on the computer. There's not many things she doesn't know how to do on here. Her dad was very good at it too, she learned everything from him." He explained noticing my confused expression.

"I think I'll go finish dinner whilst you guys work on this."

They agreed and I went into the kitchen, finishing the dinner Will and I had started. About thirty minutes later, everything was cooked and ready. I brought out three bowls to the living room where they both were talking about something and pointing to the computer screen. I cleared my throat and placed the bowls on the table in front of them. They thanked me and went back to the laptop, which now had wires sticking out of it to which I assumed was her laptop. I walked behind the couch and read over what they were doing.

"What's it doing?"

"Well right now, I'm tracing the IP address. But it's taking a while, this guy is good."

We conversed for a while, as we waited for any more results to show. But to no anvil there wasn't anything useful. I was getting a little tired waiting for answers, so I told them I was heading to bed. I cleaned thier dishes and headed to the room they said I could stay in. I stripped from my clothes, grabbing some other clothes to sleep in from my bag. I plugged my phone into its charger, and set it on the nightstand. Turning off the light, I sighed and cosed my eyes, wanting sleep to overtake me.

Until I heard a buzzing noise from my phone.

One new message

Unknown Number: Meet me at Blend Road tomorrow at 5 am. Tell your friends, and I'll be sure to make things a lot worse for you. Goodnight, Sweet Heart.


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