chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Rae's Pov


"Mum! Rae and I are taking Evie out to buy some toys. Well be back before dinner." He called behind him.

"Alright, just grab some milk on the way home, we're all out!" She hollered back.

We had decided to talk a quick ride down the road to pick up some more interesting things to do than keep on drawing.

I tied Evie's shoes whilst Harry went back to his temporary room here, and retrieved his wallet and my bag. Zippering up her jacket and making sure her scarf was tucking in tightly to keep her warm, we were ready to go on our way.

Harry had joined us as I buckled in Evie. It was still cold outside but it was a lot more bearable than it had been the last few weeks.

"We should buy a child's seat for her as well. It's not safe to have her sit like that." I told Harry as I got in from the passenger seat.

"She may be my little sister but I'm not going to put a child's seat in my car and let it ruin my imagine." He winked.

I wasn't quite sure if he was joking, but I had a feeling he wasn't.

"You would actually..."

"No, Rae. I wouldn't jeopardise her life for my imagine. I was joking." He laughed.

"I thought you were serious!"

"I know! And the look on your face." He laughed even louder.

I rolled my eyes at him. He couldn't have possibly thought that was funny. I really thought he didn't care.

"Stop freaking out, it was joke. Now let's get out and pick up the things we need so we can get back to the house before dinner." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and got out. Reaching the back seat, I picked up Evie and held her on my hip. Harry met us on the other, and took my hand is his.

"If I didn't know any better, I say she likes you more than me."

"Because she does!" I laughed.

"Yeah, sure. Let's go get the things we need and then head over to the toy store in the next centre over." He told me, gesturing to the aisle we needed to head down.

"I think she's getting tired." I said aloud.

"Here, I'll hold her, and you grab the things. I'm sure she'll be more awake once we're in the toy store."

I nodded and handed Harry the sleepily child. I guess cars really do lull children to sleep.

Harry and I walked down the aisles with large amounts of food in both of our hands. Going back to the last aisle to get the cold food. He somehow managed to hold a carton milk, and ice cream in one hand, and the hand had Evie, crisps, and drinks in the other. Maybe we should've grabbed a trolly..

We headed up to the tills, trying to hold hands as we went, but with the food in our hands, we only manage to hold on by our pinkies. Harry tried to look over the mountain of food hoarded to chest to send me smile. But all I saw were his eyes squinted closed, and nose scrunched up, for what I assumed was a huge smile covered by the massive amount of food.

When we placed the food down, the cashier had given us a weird glance before returning to her job. I gave a confused look towards Harry, but he shrug it off. I brought my attention back to the sleeping beauty curled up to Harry's chess. Her tiny fingers had clung onto the collar of his shirt, and her deep breathes were muffled into Harry's neck. I smiled up at the two of them. He couldn't get any cuter with his sister if he tried. I think it's always been quite a turn on for me when guys care for their younger siblings, especially a little girl. Something about it just melts my heart.

"You know, for a Styles, she sure is petite." I commented.

"Probably from what that d-" I cut him off by slapping his arm, telling him not to curse in front of Evie. Asleep or not. "That as-" Slap. "Cun-" Slap. "Fuc-" Slap. "For the love of god, Jerk! What that Jerk did to her, and for keeping her in poor health. Happy?" He huffed.

"Yes. I just don't want you cursing in for of her. She's probably heard enough of it to last her a lifetime."

"She's asleep."

"Doesn't mean she can't hear you. Besides, you curse too much anyway." I smirked.

"Eh, runs in the family." He winked.

"Is that all for today?" The cashier asked.

Harry nodded, and the cashier told him the amount.

"Babe, can you get my wallet. My hands are full and I can't reach it."


I reached into his back pocket, pulling out his wallet. But not with ease.

Holy shit, these jeans are tight.

When I opened the wallet, I pulled out his nearest card. I handed it to him, but before closing it, I saw a picture. It was tiny and I assumed it to be a picture if Harry and Evie before things got ruff. I smiled crept onto my face, seeing the love that Harry had in his eyes towards his younger sister.

"You're quite the curious cat, aren't you?" Harry's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"I just saw it! I wasn't snooping! I was admiring how much it looks like you love your sister."

"And I still do. I just don't look like a wimpy weirdo doing it anymore." He smirked.

"Now you're just some terrifying guy that's holding a child, and could be mistaken for a pedofile."

"I think I look quite dashing for the way I dress, thank you very much." Harry mocked in a extremely posh accent.

"Oh shut it, just grab the bags and well get to the car."

He did as he was told, and grab three of the heaviest bags. Looking like it hadn't even weighed more than the plastic bag it was in. I stood astonished at how easy it was for him to carry heavy weighed items. He doesn't look as strong as really he is.

"I was thinking we could walk to the toy store? If we put her in the car she'll fall into a deeper sleep, and if we walk, we could wake her up a bit before we get there." He offered.

"Sounds good, let's just drop these by the car first." I smiled up at him.

Harry opened the boot of his car and shoved the items in. Clearly not caring if he broke or opened one them in the process. He slammed it shut, probably out of frustration from the round items trying to slip their way out of the back. The sound awoke the once quietly sleeping Evie, to a frightened little girl with fear in her eyes.

"No! I want to go back to Uncle Addie's!" She pleaded, holding onto Harry's neck.

"Shh, it's okay, Princess. You're not ever going back there. I was just taking you to the toy store." Harry cooed in her ear, hugging her tightly.

"B-But you slammed the door like he does when he's mad at me.. You're not mad at me?"

"No, of course not. I could never be mad at you. You're safe with me. You won't ever have to see him again."

Harry's words were spoken to her in soft tones trying to calm her, but you could hear the venom laced within it. The venom now aimed towards that...jerk. He didn't know what happened in that house for the past year or so, and I hoped for his benefit, he wouldn't find out. From what I saw, I knew Aiden hadn't showed a sliver of care for the young girl. He might have deprived her of food for days, only giving in to her begging. The welts on her arms were terribly noticeable and you could see the look of pain flash in Harry's eyes every time he caught a glimpse. If Aiden weren't in jail, I know Harry would have literally killed him by now. And for that, I'm almost happy he is behind bars. Harry would end up back where he started if he weren't. But now he has Evie. She could be the one to make him stop. Stop the anger, stop the fighting, and stop him from becoming worse than Aiden.

"C'mon, Princess. Let's go get you some real toys." Harry smiled down at Evie. Who now had decided to walk and held onto Harry's hand as her tiny feet pattered across the pavement.


After trying to convince Harry that buying her the whole store wasn't necessary, we ended up leaving the store with almost five bags filled with whatever she wanted. Her smile reached all the way to her ears. Her excitement was contagious.

Harry and I held hands as Evie jumped around ahead of us. She's the most happy person I've ever met, especially after what she's been through. Her tiny white tennis shoes, black leggings, and her leg warmers made her look like a child out of a magazine. It was amazing how much she resembles her brothers more than her mum. Although they all had the memorising green eyes and dark curly brown hair -except for Will, his hair is shaved- you would think she'd belong to Harry rather than Charlotte.

"Don't get too far ahead of us, Evie!" I called out to the wandering girl, metres away from us.

We were laughing about as her carefree-self travelled around poles on the sidewalk. Harry laughed at the sight of his goofy little sister, and pulled me into his side. His long arm wrapping around my shoulders, and tucking me into his warm body. I nuzzled in, and leaned up to place a small kiss to his cheek. He realised my intentions, quickly turning his head and capturing my lips. I smiled at his cheekiness, but kissed him back.

We broke apart when we heard an high pitched scream. Harry instantly and ran over to Evie. Her delicate arm was taken hold of by a large built man. His hand looking like it was crushing her bones.

"Let her go, Chris."

"Shouldn't you listen to your brother when he tells you not to run off?" Chris looked down at a terrified Evie.

"Let me go, Mister!" Evie huffed.

"Chris, she's a little girl. Your fight is with me, not her."

"Fight?" I questioned.

"Hmm, seems as though we have more people here." Chris smirked at me.

"Listen, just let go of Evie and I'll pretend I never saw you, and that I don't want to smash you face into wall."

"Why don't you send your pretty little lady over here to come get her?"

I was about to step forward when Harry's arm came up and blocked my way. I looked at him questionably, studying his hard stare.

"And why would you want that?" Harry asked.

"I have my reasons."

"Tell me them."

"You'll find out eventually, won't you?"

Ignoring there bickering, I pushed past Harry, going to get Evie. I couldn't stand her to be in that man hands any longer.

I crouched down to level, and peeled away the mans strong grip on her arm. She immediately pulled away and engulfed me giant hug. Her tiny body was shaking. She was so fearful, and I felt horrible about it.

When I stood, my arm roughly gripped by his grimy hand. He leaned down to my ear, trying to whisper something in my ear. I pulled back, away from his grip, only to be tugged back. I felt a gun press to the side of my stomach, jutting in each time I pulled back.

"Get your fucking hands off my girlfriend you piece of shit!" Harry yelled pulling me back.

"Harry, stop. It's okay." I gently pleaded.

Harry slowly backed away, but Evie had started crying. I tried to sooth her, but she wasn't having it.

"Make that little brat shut up!" Chris yelled, shoving the gun further in my stomach.

"Maybe if you stop yelling, and treat people with respect she would."

"What was that?" He threatened.

"N-Nothing.." I stuttered. "Hey, Evie. Shh, it's okay. Let's quiet down and Harry and I can take you home. Would you like that?"

I felt her head nod in crook of my neck. I signed in relief when her sobs stopped and I could only hear little sniffles.

Chris smiled and look back down at me with a sinister smile. He leaned in again, his lips ghosting over my ear. His hands cupping over his mouth making sure no else heard.

"Listen, and listen closely. Your little boyfriend has fucked up a lot, and you're in the line of fire. I'm not one to help out, but I suggest you run before this gets nasty. You run fast and you run hard, away from his life because nothing good will come out of being with him. I was sent here to warn Harry. But luckily you and that little brat was here so I could warn you instead. I have a heart unlike that cold bastard you're with. Hate to see a pretty lady like you get caught up in this mess. Your choice to stay. It will get nasty, and it will stay that way."

I slowly back away with wide eyes. Looking at the stranger who was giving me what he thought a chance was. I shook my head in refusal to think what he was saying was true.

"Think about it. Oh, and, Harry? Hawk will be seeing you soon." He smirked and strut away.

Harry came behind me, and pulled me to his chest. He wrapped his arms me, and kissed my cheek. Taking Evie from my hold, he turned to look at me.

"What did he say?"

"Nothing, nothing important." I lied.

"Rae, I know he did. Tell me. Now."

"He told me to walk away. No, run. Because it going to get worst and I'll be caught in the crossfire. That you've done things that are going to catch up to you very fast. That not only will I be in way, but I'll be collateral."

"So you believe him? You know that I would never happen. I swear, you're safe with me."

"I know I am. I believe him, but I know that nothing will matter as long as you promise to be here with me. I trust you."

Nothing scares me anymore when I'm Harry. I always feel better when I'm next to him. I feel stronger and almost invincible. Harry's past doesn't scare me, it's if he returns to his old-self, that has me worried. He come so far and I know his anger has died down. But his anger is the one thing that will keep him and everyone he cares for safe. He was once a lost kid that only need security in his life, and now that's he's old enough, he wants everyone he cares for to feel the way he should have.

Loved, cared for, and safe.



oh, and how old are you guys? just curious :)

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