Chapter 1

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Lisa's POV

My name is Lisa Cimorelli. I'm 19 years old, and I'm in a band with my sisters on YouTube. There are a lot of us, six sisters in one band. Plus I have 5 brothers, it's a pretty packed house. But I learned to adjust, and I love my family so much.

This morning I grumpily woke up to the sound of somebody yelling. I soon made it out to be Christina, my 23 year old sister. She's the "leader" of the band, which I like because I hate being in charge. After the few seconds of yelling and screaming, without knocking she barged into my room. It's not really mine, I share it with my two younger sisters. Dani, she's 13, and she's the "youthful energy" in the group, and Lauren age 15, and she is considered the "smart" one of the group. Not saying that everybody else is dumb, she's just the more serious one. And then there's me. The introvert of the group along with Lauren. I like to spend a lot of my time in my room, on my phone, and just hanging out by myself or with my boyfriend, Ryan. But I'll explain more about him later.

"Girls wake up now!" She yelled shaking our bed sheets so that we would get out of bed.

"What's happening?" Dani asked tiredly.

"Yeah, what she said." Lauren added in half asleep.

"Tour... One Direction... Us.. Them." Was all Christina could spit out until I grabbed the paper she was holding to and read it.

"Dear Cimorelli girls,

My name is Simon Cowell, and I'm the manager for One Direction. I recently came across your YouTube channel and found all of you astonishing. I was wondering if you would come on a USA tour with One Direction. It would be the greatest! Contact me as soon as you can if you're interested.

Much love, Simon."

I dropped the paper and felt like I was going to faint. Then I regained my consciousness, and screamed. And yelled, and jumped all over the place. After Dani and Lauren read it, they were yelling and screaming too. Here comes Katherine and Amy, my other two sisters. They ran in with confused looks on their faces as to why we were screaming and yelling.

"What in the world is going on in here?" My 21 year old sister, Katherine, asked. She's known as the "outgoing one" along with Dani.

"READ." Christina said handing her the paper. Amy, she's 18, walked up behind we and read what was on the paper. Last but not least, she's know as the.. Well we don't have a role her yet, but she talks to all the fans we meet. So I guess she's the "talker". As they were making their way through the letter their facial expressions changed. From confused, to shocked. We were all so excited, I was speechless. Is his real life? Are we actually going on your with One Direction?

Harry's POV

I'm Harry, I'm 19, and I'm in a band called One Direction. I love it because my passion is singing, and I get to live my dream with my best friends, Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall. We actually all got put together on a competition show called "X Factor" and ever since we've been growing big.

Louis got a text from Simon, our manager, telling us to meet him at the studio in five minutes for a "Special meeting" whatever that means...

We all hopped into the Ford pickup truck, and with Louis in the front seat, we made our way to the studio. Once we got there, nobody was there except for Simons truck, and an unfamiliar white minivan. I pushed the doors in the front of the studio, and made our way down the long hallway to the "meeting room" where I saw Simon in his normal seat, but then six beautiful girls sitting in chairs in front of him. Who are they?

"Come in boys, sit!" Simon said calmly, while the six girls were freaking out. All of them except for one in the back. She was the most gorgeous one. Her brown, silky hair went down past her belly button, and her blue, laced dress fell right on top of her knees for what I could see.

"So boys, you're all probably wondering why I brought you here today." Simon said looking at us, and to the still unnamed girls before us. "I'll let you introduce yourselves." He said pointing to the girls.

One by one they introduced each other.

"Hi I'm Christina, I'm 23"
"I'm katherine, I'm 21"
"I'm Lisa, I'm 19"
"I'm Amy, I'm 18"
"I'm Lauren I'm 15"
"and I'm Danielle, but you can call me Dani, and I'm 13"

I studied each of them so that I could get there names down. Christina, Katherine, Lisa, Amy, Lauren, and Dani. Seems relatively easy to remember.

"I was thinking maybe we could do a USA tour with One Direction featuring Cimorelli?" Simon suggested.

"Yes!" I heard around the room from the girls, and the boys and I agreed. It actually seemed like a great idea!

"Then that's that!" He said clapping for some apparent reason, which made the whole room cheer.

"When is this starting?" Christina, I think, asked.

"Saturday!" He said excitedly. Wait today is Thursday, that gives us two days to pack up everything here in LA and say goodbye to everyone before leaving for a year on this tour. A lot of the others agreed with me, because there were a lot of shocked statements and facial emotions going on. He gave us some more information on the bus itself, and the tour. I don't really know how I'm going to like this tour, but I'm sure my mind will change somehow.

I haven't really talked to any of the girls yet one on one, but honetly I'm excited to learn more about Lisa. She seems like a cool girl, not to mention she's very pretty.

Lisa's POV

After chatting with the boys and Simon for a while, we decided on a meeting time and place. We have until Saturday to say goodbye to all of our friends and family for a whole year. I'm definitely going to miss the little boys in my family, and my dad. Right when we reached our white minivan, my phone went off with a text message from my boyfriend, Ryan Schmitt.

"Hey Lisa, come over tomorrow. -Ryan"

"Sure, see you then :) -Lisa"

Ryan and I have been dating for about six months now, and the first few months were perfect, and that's where I fell in love with him. But these month and a half have been absolutely miserable. He's been such a jerk, and he doesn't think about anybody else but himself. I bet when I tell him the good news tomorrow, he won't be excited at all.

I've honestly thought about breaking it off with him, but I fell in love with him. I can't just let him go. Plus he's very controlling, which I found out a few months ago. He gets jealous when I'm even around any boy. But not the cute kind of jealous, the angry annoying kind of jealous. I hate that about him.

*The next day*

I finally made it to Ryan's house, so I knocked on his door about three times and waited for about five minutes until he finally opened the door.

"Thanks for cutting me off in the middle of my show." He complained throwing himself back on the couch, sprawled out so I had to sit on the chair next to him.

"I have good news." I said trying to spark up a conversation. He didn't move, or even acknowledge that I was talking.

"Are you going to listen to me?" I asked. He sat up and faced me, and tried to look excited.

"Make it quick, commercial break is only 3 minutes." He said rudely.

"The girls and I are going on tour with One Direction tomorrow for a whole year." I told him.

"Wait, One Direction as in that hot boy band from the UK?" He asked finally ungluing his eyes from the flat screen. I shook my head 'yes'.

"No you're not. They're are going to be five boys around you 24/7? No way you're going." He said.

"Since when are you the boss of me?" I asked.

"Since you said you would be my girlfriend." He answered. After that I had nothing else to say to him. No 'congrats' or even a 'cool!' from him. He only thinks about himself.

"We won't see each other for a whole year, you're not going to spend time with me?" I asked.

"Oh my goodness, this show is almost over. If you want to do something, then make yourself useful and make me a sandwich." He ordered turning up the volume to tune me out.

"I've had enough! The last few months have been torture for me! You don't think about me, or even how I'm doing. You treat me like a slave, which I am not. Not even a 'good luck on the tour' or anything." I yelled at him stepping in front of the TV.

"I can't see..." He said not showing any sign that he actually listened to everything I just said.

"I can't believe you. If you want to say goodbye before I leave tomorow, then you better be at my house before eight." I said storming out of his house.

He makes me so mad, I hate him right now. I hopped in my car and went back to my house to get packed for tomorrow. I can't wait to get away from him for a while.

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