Chapter 4

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Lisa's POV

Today is our first concert on this tour, and we are all so so excited. All I could hear is harmonies, and laughing throughout the tour bus. But whenever I saw that curly haired boy walk past I started to get this feeling, a feeling I never get anymore when Ryan walks by. He saw me stating, so he looked behind and shit me a smile. He's too cute.

"So Lisa whatcha thinking about?" He asked plopping next to me with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Nothing, what makes you think I'm talking about something?" I asked.

"Oh nothing." He said smoking and then drinking his coffee. I was already lacked and everything for the hotel, so all I had to do was take a shower and chill.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to shower." I said before getting my butt off the couch and towards the shower. I stepped in and the cold water hit me I started to make the really weird screaming noises. By the time I was done, my eyes were burning by all that conditioner that snuck its way in. Not until I was fully out of the shower and standing there completely naked, was when I realized that I forgot to being in towels. All the other girls were packing so I couldn't bother them. My last resort; Harry.

"Harry?" I asked quietly.

"Yes?" He asked walking closer to the door.

"Um... Will you please bring me two towels?" I asked very embarrassed.

I heard footsteps walking away from the door, so I assumed he was getting them. I stood behind the door waiting for him so he didn't see me naked. I heard two knocks and slowly opened the door, Harry was standing there with a smirk on his face, and two towels in his hands.

"Thank you." I said before closing the door.

"Well I was hopi-" he started to say before I cut him off. "Boyfriend." I said trying to keep in a giggle.

I got dressed in my sweatpants, and a "I <3 LA" crew neck. When I stepped out everybody was waiting to get off the bus and into the hotel. I was sharing a room with Amy, Dani, and Lauren. I called the biggest bed, and threw my stuff in top of it. I pulled out my phone and decided to text Ryan, maybe he wants I talk to me today.

"Hey Ry."

I waited for a while, he read it and didn't respond. Whatever. I decided to get my mind off of him, and changed into my bikini and headed to the pool.

"Hey Lisa!" I heard behind me. I slowly turned around, and saw Harry standing there with his swim trunks on and no shirt. Maybe I liked it, maybe I didn't.

"Can I swim with you?" He asked shyly.

"Of course!" I answered back. He jogged up to me and we walked to the pool together. It was pretty crowded, but we tried to blend in so we wouldn't be noticed. It didn't work very well.

"Lisa Cimorelli?" A guy about my age asked.

"Hi!" I answered.

"Oh wow, you're way more beautiful in person." He said smiling. I think he is very cute, but for some reason e looked awfully familiar.

"Aw thanks!" I said back. We started talking a little bit, and could tell Harry was getting annoyed/jealous. Ah he's so cute when he's like this.

I said goodbye to him before taking a picture, and Harry and I stepped into the pool. He had an upset look on his face.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing! Why do you think something is wrong?" He asked nervously.

"I don't know."

Harry's POV

What can you say, I got jealous. But I don't know why since she doesn't like me back. But I like her, a lot actually. It's hard knowing that the girl you want to be with so badly is with a guy who treats her like shit. It doesn't make sense why she likes him.

"So are you excited about tomorrow's show?" She asked me splashing water around.

"Yeah! Are you?" I asked.

"A little nervous to be honest."

"You'll do great! It's a little nerve wracking in the beginning, but then you get used to it." I said smiling. We talked more about the tour and tomorrow's show, and then decided to get out 45 minutes later.

I walked her back to her room, and my room was only ten rooms away from her.

"Thanks for letting me tag a long." I said smiling.

"It's no problem!" She said smiling back.

"See you tomorrow morning." I said kissing her on the cheek. Wait, why the hell did I do that? She's going to freak out. She looked at me with a shocked look.

"I'm sorry I-" I started to say before I was cut off.

"It's okay." She said smiling before kissing me on the cheek. I felt amazing when she did that.

I walked back to my room to see Niall pigging out on food, and Louis watching TV while Zayn was taking a shower. Quickly changing out of my wet trunks, I grabbed my phone. I got a message from my ex Lydia.

"Who the hell is this?" It said with a picture attached to it. I waited for the picture to load, and I looked at it clearly. It was a picture of me kissing Lisa on the cheek. No no no, if this gets out she could get in trouble with her boyfriend.

"Where'd you get that?" I texted back quickly.

"It's all over twitter." She texted back. Oh no.

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