Popularity and Preparing (7)

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So soory i havent upload for two weeks , i have been using my parents laptop beacuse my pink laptop is broken.....

Here it is

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Chapter 7

I woke up , my mind filling up of images of two werewolves and red moon . I get out of my room and saw Will heading to my way.He offered his hand and i gradually took it he lead me to the balcony near the balcony is a piano.he lead me to the chair near the piano .

"Are you prepared to meet them?' He asked , i told him about our family situation when we are still dating , i started dating when i was 16 going to 17 our relationship duration last long 5 months

"Honestly ,I dont know , i dont knows whats their reaction and my reaction if i see them ." i replied to him honestly .He shortened our distance by hugging my back and putting his hand on my tummy , he kissed my hair and down to my neck .Do not think we are having friendsip with benefits .No . Even thought we break up he's still there protecting me ecouraging me and loves me. I kinda dump him beacuse of the mate thingy.

"Thank you for being there countless times" i told him

"You know im goin to help you without you saying please"he told me by placing a kiss on my forehead

"What about your popularity and the Elites?" he asked with concerned look

"I will still be doing modelling work and going to high socialite parties to keep my popularity high and about the Elites I think if i keep my popularity i will still be the reigning Queen of Elites " Elites is a group of people who is admired by people in their teenage.There are five people in Elites there are based on their popularity in places  and usually are top rank socialite

Rank 5: Hanna From my pack her parents are top socialites. She's beautiful and elegant . Her parents trust me when she joins my pack

Rank 4: Damon is an ex playboy ,he's human but when it comes to friendship he does not hesitate to help he's parents own some of the biggest newspaper. The  truth is he has crush on Blythe, one of my bestfriend then i kinda introduced him to her and they fall in love but of course  a love without struggles is a miracle. In current situation they are going through love difficulties.And every argument they will call me. yup Im very good friend

Blythe family owns one of the biggest hospital she's my bestfriend and kick people's ass without their permission

Rank 3: Will is rank 3 . Nothing to explain his parents abandoned him not only his handome but also a hunk

Rank 2 : Zane the current playboy i did date him but that's only last for 3 days . we are stiil friends hes kinda one of my big brothers he always protect me when i was linked to a celebrity or model he's playboy but he kinda love this girl and i kinda encourage him to confess to her by locking them in one room. Well my hardwok pays after 3 hours and i opened the door they are making out he quickly give mouthed thank you and i shut the door. and put a sign of 'do not disturb'

Rank 1 : Me .after dating few models and celeb and going to socialite parties and doing modelling in famous brands and guesting celeb party and socialite parties i went up to number one making me the reigning queen

Well back to the story

"Will , Can you leave me alone " making a command and he nodded

I look throught the balcony and began playing the piano

The pain began rushing through my veins

All of the memories i want to forget just came back

Every embarrasing and painful images

After playing the piano i realised its dark already, I walked to the balcony and i looked aboved looking at the stars

Somehow i felt the stars are aligned and when i traced it , the last stars pointing to the crescent moon

After realising that time passes by , i close the door and turned the door knob . I went to the kitchen to see my pack washing dishes .

I took a plate and starting to eat the portion of food that was left for me they  say good night to me. After a few minutes i started washing my dishes and walked away and heading to my room.

Hoping the next day will be better than this....


This is the end of chapter 7 i may upload the next few day or next week

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