Ewwy DnA example

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"What happened Wendy ?" A concerned voice was heard in the room

"Nothing ...nothing " as I was able recollect myself

"I'm sorry I didn't hear a thing can you repeat it again ?"as I focused my attention to him

"Oh..."he pauses ,then suddenly looked at me with delight

"I can tell you in person " a hint of mischief can be heard from him

"And when would that be ?" As I smirk at him

"I'll notify you ASAP"as he smiled at me

We talked more ,and with my mind not focused at all .we said our goodbyes and see you soon s

I shut my laptop and went back to bed .still thinking of the eyes that haunts me and soon I fell asleep

•the next day •

I left the house early in morning . Just as I opened my car door I received a text from my beta .It seemed that the whole packed has gathered everything they needed

I replied to them to meet me in Starbucks near our immediately .

As I drove to Starbucks I kept thinking of that figure outside my window , I kept thinking about its eyes, I don't know how to put it but I definitely seen those eyes .That familiar eyes .

Soon the Starbucks came in view and soon after i parked my car . I walked to the front door bumping to someone. I didn't notice him and I'm not alert since I'm still thinking about that eyes . I figured I was falling backwards and soon I will fall to the ground head first . However the person who bumped me had other ideas and and soon his hard long arms snaked around my waist his other arm on my neck and head

I looked at the person who catches me . I ran my eyes from his kissable pink lip to his sculptured nose to his eyes

His blue eyes seemed to eyed me too . His eyes is so pretty .It has brown speckles around it and and is complimented by long eyelashes . It's like the one last night .. So blue .. LAST NIGHT .

I frowned at him and he looked at me alert that someone will attack him anytime .

"Who are you ?" I asked him as I my hand touched his arm that holds my weight . He shivered and looks at me with lust

He didn't answer ,he instead lifted me until I stand on my own feet and he immediately run on a human fastest speed .But not without saying "I'll see you soon" on my ears

Then I look at him ready to run on wolf speed to catch up but I realized we are around humans .i can't definitely exposed the werewolves existence on the human population . Or who knows what the reaction of the world would be . I looked at the direction he run until I had my resolution that I will find out who is he and why I'm so curious .

I went inside the Starbucks and looked around . It seemed they are not here yet. I took a spot near a window and ordered cappuccino . I wondered how am I going to searched him if don't even know his name only his face then it pops out , CCTV camera , I looked around and found four CCTV camera around . I need at least to get a picture of him and run him to a database search .

I heard cars parking and looked outside .Expensive cars has parked outside the Starbucks and it means they are here , my pack members are here .They immediately went out of the car and headed to the entrance all seemed to looked at me with smiles .i said my greetings to them and they took their own seats

"So , who goes first ?" I looked at them and Will went first

He gave me his phone to looked at the picture of a guy he said is single and is called Michael . He had a playboy looked but Will said he's nice so I gave Will a smile for doing a good job.

Mark and Mary went next with their report its seems that the guy has no work and live in the border line of the packs territory .It seemed my soon ex soon sister in law meets him whenever they are free to meet.

Hanna and John has searched a place and booked two flights as expected.

Maxine and Henry soon told the rest that when my brother found his mate and the girl pops put claiming to be pregnant .However the girl might be sleeping around so its not definite his the father .

I looked at jasmine , her doe eyes then looked at me . She then handed me a plastic . She then told us how do we find the paternity of the baby which is SNP Microarray non-invasive prenatal paternity test does not require a needle inserted into the mother's womb. The SNP microarray procedure uses new technology that involves preserving and analyzing the baby's DNA found naturally in the mother's bloodstream. The test is accurate, 99.9%, using a tiny quantity of DNA - as little as found in a single cell.

"So I'm holding her blood " I looked at jasmine and jasmine nodded. "How do you even got the blood ?" I look at her my brain confused

"She's been checking on her doctor, and after few persuading word to the doctor I was able to get the blood , the blood your holding will be tested later on ,on a lab"

"Ok " as I cringe putting it in a box and gave it back to jasmine .After that I looked at the rest

"The rest of us will be then planning a huge pre wedding party the night before my birthday "I announce and then they looked at me confused

"I thought you ruining your brother 's wedding ?" As Isabel questioned me

"I am , with DNA from the pregnant girl we could announce the result on the pre wedding party "i looked at them smirking

"What if the result is your brother? What would you do ?" As Siyu looks at me

"We will then show compiled videos of her making out on the mall , it will still ruined her "

"Ok then I think we should start the planning since your b day is 5 days away and you said the party will be held the night before so it gives us 4 days to plan "as Damon told us

"Can we do it ?" As Henry asked me

" We can if the kadarshians can do a full wedding in 9 days , we can do a pre wedding preparation in 4 days " as I smiled at them

And soon things got completely annoying


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