Gathering Comrades

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A/N: please watch out for the change of Pov before the chapter end. First part was Florence' Pov and the last part is Rosette's. This is a bit long. Hope you enjoy. Please leave some comments of what you guys think.

"The Royal Offering is done. Sealed with a kiss and shall never be erased. Let us be together for eternity."

Crap! That sounds like I just wed. What the hell did I just enter?

It is a contract. Uhh..... Business contract? Is this also same as marriage contract? Anyway as long as it helps humanity so I can fulfill my mission. Oh and having her as my Queen doesn't seem so bad..

"So what do we do now? I don't think its possible for the both of us to take down the current ruler." I stated as I also thought of some other ways. She said I would not go into human side again so I can't ask them for support. I don't think she is also fond of us humans. I wonder why she showed a glimpse of interest on me.

"hmmmm about that..... What do you think if we seek for more vampire comrades?" she sat down and reached for a tea pot near her that I failed to notice from the moment I entered the manor. She was looking at me curiously. Maybe for a sign of disapproval or anything that can help her figure me up. I wonder if I need to wear a mask in her presence..

I tried to gauge my options though. I was not confident that I have enough self control not to ingest a lead bullet in their hearts the moment I see them. Its not that easy to set aside my personal reason why I am fighting against the vampz.

If I went with that, I would be surrounded by vampz all the time, can I trust them? Can they trust me?

"Can they also accept me as part of your ranks? I promise I would try to restrain myself." I said as I look around for a cup of tea for us. I saw one behind a glass shelf which seem clean. I grabbed to cups and a plate to hold them. I poured tea for her and offered it to her as she gladly took it. I poured one to myself and settled back to my seat.

"If they would join us, they are forced to follow me. My voice carry heavy authority so you don't have to worry about trust. We need a duke at least to pull this off." she said sounding thoughtful about it. She lift the cup and inhaled the sweet aroma of the tea before taking a sip as she smiled with the taste. I'm glad she was a reasonable one.

I smiled with the scene before me. Its not everyday that I see a lady acting a lady. All the females back in the camp was so busy on gyms and weapons or partying or some other lewd things which I would not elaborate. It didn't get unnoticed by her as she chuckled by my own gesture. I didn't need to put a mask on with her around me. She deserve such honesty.

"Seem like someone is having other thoughts.." she teased as she smirked on my direction. I couldn't help but groan with that. Once again caught red handed.

"You got to let me though... It is not everyday that I see a lady who acts ladylike. You know I'm a soldier so those actions of yours is new in my perspective." I reasoned as I took a sip on my tea hiding my embarrassment. Why do I blurt out things like that so easily around her? Am I being too comfartable around her?

"Oh! I nearly forgot. Tell me about yourself." she placed her tea cup once again as she leaned comfortably on her chair looking at me expectantly. She look so curious about me but I am ashamed of what I had become. I am.... a


"You don't need to force your self with me. You are my knight and as I promised, I will treat you fairly." she added and I can't help but appreciate the thought. I think she also had the right to know all of me. I am her knight after all and I pledged all of myself.

It took me a few seconds to recompose and seek for my courage. Here goes all or nothing. I looked up at her once again as I saw her being serious too. There is no hint of playfulness and other emotions but all curiosity is written on her face. I took a deep breath and started my tale.

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