True intentions... Always bad?

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Rosette's Pov

Its been a few months since I and Lory got Veronica's aid. As expected it was hard and there were times that I doubt if I made the right choice of seeking Veronica.

Lory's and Veronica's bond was way too raw and intense for sometimes it gets in the way of things but I could have been just making it a fault since there is something happening weird on me. Anyway, it is a good thing that everybody is progressing with their abilities and efficiency. I think they can best a noblesse with the right preparation and data. They got a good teacher that anyone could wish for. It never cease to amaze me how genius the man is.

He started teaching efficiency to Veronica and soon other joined by curiosity as to what the duchess is up to with a human. Guess we vampire had that eye to discriminate humans as lower life form. I think everybody came to terms that Lory is indeed higher life form than them. His wisdom is unmatched, his skills were unparalleled even by the well trained Veronica even with help from her subjects, his a master strategies which makes logical and practical solutions to every possible tricky situations. I am glad that Lory is with me. He would be a valuable asset for the upcoming events. Is that all there is to it? Even I don't know myself.

Everyday it worries me how things were going out of hand in my side. Being a royalty means there is something proportional to our powers. My father's were proportional to grief and my mother's were proportional to anger. The more of those emotions around, the more powerful they can get but they just have to have an opposite personality. My father was a go lucky carefree man and so my mother was a light bulb illuminating with happiness on her every pore. That was the kind of vampire a royalty is and I have the worst proportional condition of all. It is the same as to why I wasn't able to fight for my reign back then. My powers were nowhere near to mine as of now. It worries me how he would react to it and everyone else around me. I love the peace most of all and it pains me every time I remember that the opposite of peace was my condition and soon I will grow weaker when the throne is back to my reign.

That condition is chaos. The more chaos the world is in, the more powerful I become. My father is right, the things we love the most will be our weakness and so the things fueled opposite of it is what makes us stronger. Like how a swordsmen lose his skills when an era or peace, like how a soldier loses his sharpness and skills when there is no war and how I would be weaker when there is finally peace. Soon peace will be the death of me and that is for sure. Out of all things I know I can't be greedy and selfish. I learned from my father how to look things on the other side. Like how to value every morning that comes and every smile that came our way from someone we hold dear. The things that we take for granted will soon prove its value like how it is suppose to be but we, being imperfect see their values at the brink of its end. That is the cruel truth in the world we live in.

Everyday I fear that there would be a miracle and soon this cruel condition will unseal me and I can live even as a normal vampire at least. Even though it would suck to have urges and all, I would still prefer it than to live as a royalty that don't need anything to survive as long as there is something that trigger and maintains our condition. I just hope there would be something that can soon cure me. Until then, I shall enjoy the small peace and tranquility the manor has offered me since the big day is nearing and nearing. The day to bring down the current vampire rulers.

"What are you thinking so much Rose?" I was brought back to reality with Lory's interruption since I forgot he was standing beside me while I take my time enjoying a tea out of the terrace.

"Nothing much. Just simple things here and there." I lied or did I? Well at least it was not a total lie since I am just thinking about simple things yet hard and heavy at the same time.

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