Truth Undercovered

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The next day after a whole night of celebrating I was called in by the Others to have a chat with their crew leader. Great I thought. I hurried and ate my oatmeal and snuck out the door jogging my way to head quarters.Suddenly a black van pulled beside me and a tall man wearing all black jumped out of the passenger side of the car and cover my mouth to block my screams that echoed in his hands.

"Help, help." No one noticed me or even paid attension what so ever all they did was continued going on with their daily lives.Another man came out of the van and tied a black piece of fabric over my eyes I continued to scream in till one of them men grabbed my legs and I kicked trying to break free from he cluths. Bruises started to form on my legs and ankles as the men carried my body into the van and tossed me into the van like a sack of poataos I hit my head on the side on the van and I was uncoinous.

I couldn't tell were we going I didn't hear car horns to signal we were on a highway I didn't hear kids laughing and shouting in joy as they chased their friends in the street.I couldn't hear anything not even a radio up in the front. I tried to use all my senses beside my impectable sight but I couldn't even put my finger on our location when I took a breath and woke up I felt a thick rope on my wrist a massive rope burn stung my wrist.My mouth was dry my feet were tied up with chains and hooked to a wall.I couldn't tell if we were still in the van or a remote location outside the state. Finally for the first time after waking up I heared a metal door open the closed behind a person.The black fabric was slowly removed and I finally saw something besides darkness. A man was standing in front of me and he was beautiful more beautiful than anything in the world, well besides Jason, I looked down at the cold metal chair I was strapped into. Metal was wrapped around my wrist I shook the my arms trying to break free I really thought with the anger and fear rising up in side me that I would become 10 times stronger than I am like the Hulk but nothing happened.

"Mary Jane please stop."The man said then I reconized him.He was one of them men who helped me take the laser. Carlos looked at me with a look of worry."If that even is your real name."

"Carlos let me explain."

"You I thought you were one of us.Outcast that just want to fit in a crowd that we belong in.I thought we were friends and we could tell each other anything."

"We are Carlos."

"Then how come you didn't tell me you work for the Others."

"Carlos that was in my past before I came here and started over. Then I meet you and my roommates and things were great I love my life now and I'm glad you guys are in it."

"Try explaining that to the leader.Now he thinks your a spy."He held a knife in his fist the blade freshly sharpened."I'm here to question you MJ and you need to tell me everything about the Others or I will make one clean slice anywhere on your body and if you still don't tell us we will kill you and those little beings in you."

"No please no."

"I don't want to hurt you MJ I don't but it's my job." He held the close to my next."But we need to make a video to all your little friends in Nebraska shall we."Another man that hid in the coner and grabbed my hair tightly and yanked the pain was dim but to my everything made me ach. The knife inched closer to my throat as the red light blinked rapidly on top of the camera I swallowed one last breath knowing it would be my last.I couldn't hear or make out a word Carlos said until the red light went out.I sighed of relief when the camera shout of and the knife was off my neck.

"Leave now."Carlos screamed at the man behind me and he slammed the door behind him.

"Carlos this is stupid you know I'm not a spy and I wouldn't have joined the y'all if I was a spy I would rather kill myself then do what the Others told me.Please beilive me." With one swift move he bent down and his lips pressed agianist mine for the first time in a long time I felt pleasure and happiness swel up inside me my hearted beat pick up.

"Mary I beilive you I do and I want to spend the rest of my life with you but orders are orders."He sliced my wrist. My blood dripped onto the ground.He came closer to me and whispered in my ear."I'm going to get you out of here I just need time until your family comes and gets you."

"Your a spy aren't you?"

"Yes I am. I have been watching you for months the orgaizaiton knew you weren't dead so they sent me to find you.At first it was a mission but now I'm doing this because I want to and I love you Violet."


"Hi Violet."Jayden was my very first boyfriend when we were in middle school we were get friends and lovers till we broke up because his dad decided to flee from the state due to enemy agents fiding him and hunting him and his family down.He and his family packed up everything they had and went to a safe house on a private island in Hawii.He was almost my first love on our last night together he stayed at my and comforted me until he left the next morning and I never saw him again.Everyone at school always thought we would get together we were ensipperable.

"How are my parents going to find us?"

"I hid a secret message."He showed me the back of his knife and in it was an engraving of our location."when you escape you have to go back to Nebraska I will come as soon as I can after that."

"Wait I can't leave I've got The Voice I have to be on and even if I could do that from home they can still track me down."

"Damn it I didn't think of that.We need a new plan."All that night we came u with a new plan.

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