The Plan is in Full Swing

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All I could dream about was tomorrow when I finally left this hell hole. I dreamed about seeing my parents,Tate,my friends,and Jason.Me running into his arms and kissing him till we're out of air him holding me and going home and being our own family. Me spending whatever days I have left with my little bro before his niece and nephew are born.Doing whatever I can to make this up to my parents.The life we live after graduation in 2 years and everything after that.My life after fame and fortune.All those images flashed for a few mintues at a time I possible couldn't descride anything I saw.

I woke up with the cameras watching my around every corner my face is damp from my salty tears I could taste them in my mouth.Slowly I counted the hours till the plan becomes real and count the hours till I get to see my love of my life and for him to meet his 2 wonderful children that were due a month.I felt the kids kicking inside me and my stomach growling with hunger I haven't eaten in a few days,I was pretty weak when I could finally stand up. I fell against the wall and balanced myself I walked to the door and looked for Jayden or a signal I strained my eyes to see an type of activity.Nothing. Hope slowly started to fade that I would ever leave this place and may never see the sun or anyone ever again. I slowly sank to the ground waiting for my life to end I looked down at my stomach and whispered,"I'm sorry kids mommy couldn't protect you forever."I closed my eyes to stop my tears from coming.
I don't why I fell asleep but I did by locked door beside me the wall was cold as I tested my back on the wall again.I twittled my thumbs as I slowly began to go insane like I did everyday being locked up in a cage like a bird trying to fly away but the owners would let her. Light filled the small room as a man walked in with weapons in his belt and helped me to my feet the concrete floor cool against them surprisingly soothing.
"Viy everything is set the video cameras in here and every where around the premiater have been shut down temperary but we don't have such time. Can you stand up and/or run by your self?"
"I can don't worry about me. I can handle myself."
"It's my job to worry about you you have to worry about the people you love and to me your one of them."
"Let's get out of here." I grabbed and gun and its holster and put it in my belt. I took the gun off safety mode and looked around outside the door. No one in sight I took one foot outside the door to check for traps and lightly taped the ground and nothing happened I gave Jayden a signal and he advanced in front of me. We hustled down the halls filled with its twist and turns and stopping at every corner.
"Drop your weapons now!" A women shouted with a weapon of her own in her grasps.I dropped my weapon and burst in to a run Jayden stayed out the way.I did a round house kick and hit her she stumbled back in a corner and I punched and kicked till I could hear her ribs crack the I turn her head and snapped her neck. She slid down the world and her dead body fell to the clean tiled floor Jayden looked afraid, afraid of what I was capable of I have to admit I kinda scared myself. I decided to break the silence between us.
"We don't need any witnesses and we definitely don't need anyone to know you're a spy."
"I agree let's get out of here."
"Yeah." We ran down the long narrow hallways fighting people as we went leave the dead, bloody, beaten, bodies on the now red floor slipping through. I planted footprint going the opposite direction we were heading,took of the bloody shoes and threw them where no one can see them. I grabbed one girls boots and put them on they fit perfectly then caught up with Jayden who head towards the roof of the building. We were about 30 floors from the ground I goulped down my fear.

"Violet we have to jump."

"What are you crazy."

"A little but violet we have to do this we have to jump run and get your things and meet your friends in Hollywood Lane trust me.Please." I looked down one more time there was a cabana what would hopeful catch us so we dropped to safety.I held out my hand and he took it.

"On three. One....Two...Three..." We jumped the wind blow my hair upwards as we decended I didn't scream I didn't close my eyes I just watched our reflection in the windows hand in hand then I saw Jason's kind, gentle face instead of Jaydens. We land on the cabana and rolled our feet slammed on the ground with a thud then ran down the street as the moon shined bright in the sky I smiled the first sign of light I've seen since being in that small room.Houses passed us as we ran living room lights still on,families watching TV and spending time together.I can't wait to get home.I bolted through the door to Tammie and Abby's.

"Violet thank goodness your safe," my cuts were still visable but they didn't notice they hugged me and squezzed me as Jayden ran upstairs to grab my belongings.

"Yeah did Jayden.."

"Yes he told us everything so I guess you have go back home uh."

"Yeah but you guys can come down the weekend the twins are due so you can still be their godmothers if you still want to."

"We would love to." Abby said her voice cracking she was getting ready to cry I grabbed her arms and pulled her in for one more hugged.Her tears damped my bare shoulder and Tammie joined in trying really hard not to cry. Jayden stomped down the stairs and gave me a look.The girls and I parted.

"Thank you guys so much for being there for me and for that I own you a bedt of gratitude, I love you guy."

"We love you too Viy."I gave them a sad look as me and Jayden hailed down a taxi.I waved goodbye from the darken window and they waved back chasing the car to the end of the street.I held in my tears and laid my head on Jayden's shoulder.

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