Chapter 12

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"Elijah tell your children to stop moving so much." I said hitting him with a pillow. For the past few nights whenever I wanted to get some sleep the babies thought it'd be a good idea to throw a party in my belly and start kicking non-stop.

"Oww, love I know it's really uncomfortable for you right now but do you have to keep taking out your anger on me?"

"You did this to me so I'm taking my anger out on you. If I'm bothering you so much I'll sleep on the couch."

"Babe I didn't mean-"

"Shut up." I tried to get out of bed but was currently struggling to get up. Elijah noticed my struggles and helped me up. I mumbled a thanks and walked downstairs with a confused French Fry trailing behind me. I still couldn't get comfortable so I settled on catching up with episodes of Empire.

I had taken my phone downstairs with me and noticed that I received a text from Elijah.

Hubby- Come back upstairs love, I'm sorry for upsetting you.

I'm sorry for snapping at you, come join me down here. 😊


Make a stop at the kitchen for some ice cream please😘

Yes ma'am

"Here you go love, ice cream with all the fixings." Elijah said walking into the living room with a two bowls of ice cream in his hands.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

I moved over on the couch and cuddled with Elijah after he sat nest to me and handed me my bowl. We sat and act ice cream and continued to watch tv until the babies settled down enough for me to be comfortable. When that happened we both went back upstairs to our bed and fell asleep. I woke up the next morning to an empty bed and decided to lay in bed for a few extra minutes. Since Elijah and I agreed that I would go back to work after the twins first birthday I had a lot of time on my hands to do free lance photos. Most were of random things I saw while out or Elijah.

My day was spent mostly looking at neutral ideas for the babies nursery and talking to both mine and Elijah's mom on the phone to discuss baby shower plans they had for me. 

"A few of my friends wanted to go out tonight and I wanted to know if you wanted to go with me?" Elijah asked walking into my home office while I was sitting at my desk going over baby shower invites. 

"I thought I met all of your friends?"

"These are from London, they're in town for business and wanted to meet up. They also wanted to meet my beautiful wife in person." he said giving me a cheeky smile

"Such a kiss ass, give me twenty minutes and I'll be ready to go." 

I swore I heard him mumble "More like forty." So I threw a pillow off the couch that was in the corner of our room at him as he walked into the closet to change.

" So I threw a pillow off the couch that was in the corner of our room at him as he walked into the closet to change

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"Want to explain that pillow from earlier?" Elijah said as he parked the car

"More like forty." 

"I didn't mean it in that way babe." he said trying to get back on my good side

"More like no sex tonight." I said as I got out of the car.


"Babe." I rolled my eyes and followed him inside the restaurant

"Elijah, I wasn't expecting you to be here." I wasn't mad at Eli about the forty minutes thing because I knew he was only joking but seeing his ex again pissed me off. But I knew there was a chance she would be here, so I decided to behave for the sake of wanting his friends to like me.

"Neither was I. What are you doing here Victoria?" Elijah said, clearly upset that Victoria was here

"Louis invited me."

"Elijah man it's been to long. You must be Alana, she's much more beautiful than you described, lad."

"Thank you, you must be Harry."

"In the flesh. Victoria, Sloane is looking for you."

"Where is Louis?" She left and gave Elijah a wink, he scuffed and turned his attention to Harry

"Talking to some chick at the bar and trying to avoid you now that you know Victoria is here. Told him not to invite her but does he listen to me never. Hard headed piece of shit that one."

"Got that right, we can go home if you don't want to be here babe."

"I'm fine, it took me forty minutes to get ready we are staying." I smirked at him and he laughed

After being introduced to all of his friends I ended up having a good time although Victoria kept making smart comments about anything I said.

"Vic is your biggest fan huh." Sloane said pointing at Victoria attempting to make Elijah jealous by flirting with Louis

"More like my biggest enemy."

"Don't feel bad we only tolerated her because of Eli, you're the first woman that he's introduced us to that's not after his money or fame."

"I'm glad that you guys like me."

"You're pretty cool and I've never seen Elijah this happy before."

"There's a lot for us to be happy about." Elijah said placing a hand on my baby bump.

"What are you talking about lad?" Everyone had turned their attention to Elijah and I.

"Alana and I are expecting twins."

Everyone congratulated us and gave us hugs except for Victoria who had a permanent scowl on her face.

"This explains it."

"Explains what Vic?" Sloane said clearly confused as to why Victoria was upset.

"Explains why he married her so fast, she's trapping him by saying she's pregnant with his children. If they are even his, come on you guys gave me a hard time while I was dating Elijah. But you met her and treat her like some fucking saint because she's his wife. When we all know he only married her because she's pregnant." I gave Elijah a look that told him that I was going to handle it

"If you must know I got pregnant after our wedding, the wedding night to be exact so these are his children. Maybe if you weren't concerned about Elijah's money and fame they wouldn't feel like you're using him. And if you have not noticed, HE HAS MOVED ON. He is a married man with children on the way, let him live his life. If you really loved him you'd let him be happy." I smiled a sweet smile and she scoffed before leaving.

"Guess that's the last time we'll be seeing her."

"If I wasn't pregnant I'd drink to that."

"I'll take a shot for you. Let's make a toast, to good fortune and love."

"Good fortune and love." The rest of the night was spent sharing old stories of Elijah and good laughs. We planned to meet up again whenever Elijah and I visit London again. Knowing that Victoria will no longer be a problem in our lives gave me a sense of relief and piece of mind.

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