chapter 8 - genin exams, teams and a prank

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naru p.o.v 1 week time skip

its been a week since menma and mito started coming to the academy. there are only 8 kids in the class who get to do the genin exams me and sasuke are among them "ok first up we have the written exam" sensei said and handed out the exams. me and sasuke were the first to finish we fist pumped when we finished at the same time. menma and mito were also in the genin exams because of who there parents are. and hour later everyone was done "ok know for the throwing exam" we were led out side and i went first no questions asked i picked up 10 of each weapon and threw them at the target and got a perfect score. next was sasuke who also got perfect. we fist bumped again and waited for this to be over inside the class room. 30 minutes later everyone was back this time i was going last and menma and mito were going first. 20 minute's later i walked in "please make 3 clones, do one transformation and replace your self with something" he said i transformed into him he ticked of a box. i made three shadow clones because i can't do the other type and then replaced myself with one of the chairs of to the side "ok here you go" he tossed me a headband with a black clothe and i went to go catch up with sasuke who had also passed the exams.

next day

me and sasuke were chatting to each other waiting for sensei to tell us our teams. only 6 people had passed. menma and mito not among them because they had only started a week ago and had no idea what the replacement and clone jutsu were so failed miserly. iruka-sensei walked in and announced the teams i was in a team with sasuke and a inuzuka girl named snow (A/N me!) and her dog named buddy. since out sensei is itachi we knew he would be late so we got to know each other seeing as we are in the same team and all. thats when we all found out that we all love to prank so we started setting up a prank for itachi-sensei. we sent snow and buddy to get supplies while we started digging a hole in the ground that was really deep. snow came back and chucked a rope down for us we pulled our selfs up and started chucking the paint snow brought down the hole then set up the axe so it was hanging from the celling. held onto it so i could swing it at him. we finished just in time because the door started opening once itachi-sensei was in the room i swung the axe at him he dodged but fell in to the hole.

itachi p.o.v   

i dodged the axe flying at me but fell in a hole. i was falling up right and the hole was really deep i crossed my arms and started tapping my finger on my other arm. thats when i fall into paint. 'who are my genin's?' i asked myself as i walk up the side of the hole and get to the top covered in paint thats when i see sasuke, naruto and a white haired chic grinning i groaned "i've got three pranksters for genin" i complained their grins grew wider and they burst out laughing as i hear the door open and see sasuke and my dad standing their staring at me along with our mum who was now taking pictures of me multicoloured


hay guys theres another chapter for you i hope you liked it. 

bye see ya next chapter!

don't die of boredom!

fairyninja2016 out!

original 7285 words!

631 words!

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