Chapter 11

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Again not spell checked as I'm uploading from my ipad and its late here.

We got into the ER and they rushed him in for tests I had a hunch it was appendicitis as I'd had it before same symptoms the fever and the puking but mostly the pain, I waited in the relatives room for what felt like hours.

"Hey." Norman said entering the room.

"Is he okay?" I blurted, I was worried as hell and he isn't even my kid.

"It's his appendix."

"Is he going to need the operation? To remove it or what?" I was talking pretty fast.

"Hey don't panic Mingus is a tough kid." He smiled.

"I know." I sighed.

"He's not even yours and your reacting how Helena would." He smirked rubbing my leg.

"He's apart of you Norman I care for him just at much as you I love the kid Norm."

He pulled me onto his lap and just sighed, I held onto him pretty tight I didn't know why I was so worried,as Norman said he isn't my child to worry about but I'm a very maternal person I love kids I always have.

"So is he asleep now?"

"Yeah they've given him something for the pain and they won't do much until the morning unless it worsens which they said is unlikely."

"How are you feeling about this?" I said watching his eyes intently and stroking his face.

"Worried and wish it was me as any parent would."

"Did you call Helena?"

"Yeah, I told her to come by in the morning as he's asleep and if anything changes I'll tell her ASAP."

"Your such a good dad." I smiled, running my hands through his hair.

"Your gonna make me fall asleep if you do that."

"Sleep on me if your tired I'm not gonna fall asleep anytime soon."

"Should be me offering that." He smiled.

"I haven't been sleeping for the past 2 days so take advantage of this."

He agreed and we swapped, he laid on 3 of the chairs and the laid his head down in my lap, he was comfortable and so was eye I spent the whole time playing with his hair.

"Reedus?" The nurse asked entering the room.

"Right here."

The room was empty it was just us so I slowly woke Norman up as I'm not anything to do with this they can't discuss it with me even if they needed to which sucks because I'm pretty sure Helena and Norman trust me with Mingus.

"He's awake and still in pain so I think the doctors are discussing his options if your follow me." She said,

"You coming?"He said holding his hand to me,

I nodded and took it and followed him and the nurse to Mingus's cubical, he was pale and sweaty and still in pain although not as bad but his face softened seeing me and his dad which was cute.

"Hey buddy." I smiled stroking his hair again.

"How you feeling?" Norman asked,

"It still hurts, where's mom?"

"I'm gonna call her in a bit it's still early."

"What's gonna happen now?" Mingus asked, he looked at me for the answer.

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