Chapter 23

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Although I didn't have much to do for my art show I wanted to get everything finished and be able to spend some time with Norman and Mingus before the show, so I headed to my studio.

Normans P.O.V

The apartment was empty when I woke which means Sav spent all night at her studio, she's been worrying about this for the past couple of days I even offered to help but of course this is Savannah we are talking about she always works too hard.

Making my way up to her studio with two cups of coffee our engagement pops into my head I have all these great ideas I know how crazy Savannah is I know how much she loves fancy dress...I got it that's the party.

"Sav?" I called out closing her studio door behind me.

I didn't hear anything but when I turned the corner there she was with her headphones on painting away and concentrating hard I smiled to myself she looked so amazing standing there her amazing ass and her boobs...don't start me on her boobs.

I put the coffees down on the desk by her door and slowly approached her trying my hardest not to scare her I gentle removed her headphones and waited for her to realise.

"Oh god I'm..."

"Exhusted? I've got that covered." I smiled kissing her shoulder.

"What's the time?"

"It's 10:30."

"I worked through the night...oh my god." She sighed putting her paint brush down.

I grabbed her coffee and handed it to her. "This should give you some fuel."

"What would I do with out my norm." She sighed again wrapping her hands around her coffee and resting her head on my chest.

"Yeah what would you do?"

"Well I'm not surprised I haven't passed out from exhaustion I mean jet lag and working through the night."

"C'mon I'm taking you home."

"Norman no...I need to get these done."

"No you need sleep you can't work like this." I said gently pulling her away.

"Norman..." She growled.

"Sav please."

"Hold this!" She said handing it to me and then running into the bathroom.

I stood there for a second and then followed her, she stood up just as I entered and rinsed out her mouth with water and looked at me her eyes watering and tired as much as I didn't like it I wasn't getting her to leave without finishing.

"You alright?" I smiled holding her coffee out to her.

"No, get that away from me." She mumbled pushing away holding her stomach.

"What's wrong?"

"It's the smell of the coffee making me feel worse. ."

"Sav please come back to the apartment for at least a couple hours just to rest."


Savannahs P.O.V

The apartment..

"I don't feel to great." I mumbled snuggling into Normans chest.

"Mingus will be here soon he will cheer you up."

"I hope so..." I sighed cuddling into Norman more.

I laid there with him for a good five seconds before I ran for the bathroom again, what ever my body is doing I don't like it, I spent a good hour by the toilet which meant Mingus is already here so I decided to clean myself up and head back out to the living room..

"You okay?" Mingus asked his voice slightly cracking, puberty thing.

"Just a little tummy bug." I said rubbing my stomach and sitting on the couch.

"Dad." Mingus called.

"You called?" Norman said walking into the living room topless.

It went silent for a moment and then Norman was kneeled down in front of me with a worried look pasted across his gorgeous face.

"Baby I think we should take you to see the doctor." He said stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"Norm it's just a little tummy bug I'm sure of it."

"Babe your cold, your pale ,sweaty and you basically just vomited up your organs." He laughed.

"Okay." I said weakly.

So what could be wrong with Savannah? Pale,sweaty,cold and vomiting? A flu maybe? Find out in upcoming chapters. :) thanks for reading don't forget vote and comment.

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