Chapter 19

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Okay there's going to be time jumps because I don't really want to drone on writing about a week at her parents make sense? Okay here's the chapter it's not spell or gramma checked so sorry for any mistakes...

The next day...

I slowly rose from my sleep wearing nothing but a vest top and Normans checked shorts that I stole for myself, I tried not to wake anyone up making my way down the stairs as in this house there ain't carpet on the stairs.

"Morning sweet pea coffees on the counter." Mom called from outside.

"Thanks mom." I yawned stretching as I hit the last step.

I dragged my over tired body into my mothers beautiful old fashioned kitchen, I adore it so much it's exactly like the kitchen I grew up in back in Tennessee, I sat myself down on the wooden table with my coffee watching my mother through the window putting clothes on the line.

"Morning honey." Dad groaned sitting next to me.

"Morning daddy, sleep well?"

"I did actually, did you sleep well?"

"Not really missing Norman."

"Must defiantly be the one." My mother smiled joining us.

"I think so I mean I can't see myself without him and Mingus."

My parents just looked at one another and smiled they both looked like the Cheshire Cat with them stupid grins on their face and before we could say another word my sister came through the door.

"God take the children away!" She laughed,

"Nana!" Isabella called hugging my mom.

The boys just stood there playing on their psp's not really talking and then my sister stood there with a small baby bump with her husband behind her Mark yeah he's a total country boy.

"Savannah? That really my sister? When did you get so damn georgous?"

"Yeah nice to see you too." I smiled.

"God I need to sit down." She puffed sitting next to me.

"Wow Savannah that's really you?"Mark smirked.

"Mark its really me!" I laughed.

"Something's different..." My sister said staring at me,

"Nothing's different."

"Your glowing, so your either in deep love or pregnant which one?"

"Deep love." Amy moaned entering the now smaller kitchen.

"Aw my baby sister is in love for the second time how cute!"

"Better be good enough for my sister in law." Mark smiled.

"He is don't you worry."

"Better fill me in with all the gossip then and oh my god you know who's coming to Georgia at the end of the week?"

"No but I'm sure you'll tell me."

"Norman your favourite friend." She smirked.

"Did you not tell her?' Mom asked,

"When do I ever see or talk to her? She's always with this little munchkin or these two larger munchkins." I said pointing.

"Wait told me what?"

"Babe even I know I think pregnancy gets to you." Mark chuckled stroking Hannah's hair.

"Oh my god know what!?"

"She's in a freaking relationship with Norman god it's been like 8 months or something." Amy said finally breaking it to her.

"What the hell since when? How did I not know! Oh my god you were the girl on his arm last time he was down filming weren't you?"

"If you mean on the set of The Walking Dead and all the fans were there yeah."

"I told you it was aunt Sav, Jack pay up!" Joe smirked devilishly holding his hand out to joe insisting money,

"You betted on your own aunt? Thanks munchkins." I laughed.

"Welcome aunt Sav." Jack and joe said both at the same time.

"Ew god you guys are creepy don't do that."

"Do what?" They said both at the same time....again.

"Oh my gosh I will kill you and wait its like 9am why are you all here?" I frowned.

"It's called being productive with our day we can't slack like you New Yorkers, already lost your accent." My sister teased,

"Bitch please just because I don't live around here no more."

"Hi auntie Savannah." Isabella said all cute and awkward.

"Hey sweetie you okay?" I smiled.

She nodded slowly and then held her hands out, I smiled and took her from my mom and sat her on my lap and let her play with my hair, time flew past although I was in my pajarmas and so was Amy we hung out for ages as a family hadn't seen me in so long.

1pm Savannahs Room.

"You didn't pack much." Amy said looking in my suitcase.

"Why would I when there is still clothes here?" I said pointing to the wardrobe.

"Bet its all country isn't it." She smirked,

"No just more girly and more summer wear than anything."

I watch as she went over and opened my wardrobe, dresses, shorts,flannel tops, vest top basically a lot of summer wear hardly anything for winter which is a little while away in Georgia.

"You gotta wear this when you go to pick up Norman." She smiled holding out a white summer dress with a thin brown belt.

"Maybe." I mumbled sitting at my dressing table.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Just baby talk you know? Hannah has three kids and now another on the way and Brett has a kid on the way and then there's me who's just like sitting on the fence doing Jack shit."

"You have a career like me and you have Mingus."

"Oh god don't remind me I miss him like mad." I frowned pinning my hair out of the way.

"Has he called you atall?"

"No I told him I'd call him but I might just video chat with him later."

"You really do love that kid don't you?"

"Yeah I do I'd give my life for that kid."

"Damn you have it real bad don't you?" She giggled.

I sat at the dressing table in my room putting on some light make up and sorting my hair out me and Amy sat there talking about both of our relationships and when that happens we talk for hours In fact we'd been in my room for a good 2 hours.

"You girls coming down for some lunch?" My mom asked poking her head through the door.

"Uh yeah we were just coming." I smiled.

"Oh and Norman called your phone Amy."

"Whys he calling you?" I frowned,

"I don't know." She shrugged but I could see right through her their hiding something.

Amy's P.O.V

I didn't realise I'd left my mobile down stairs but I was expecting a call from Norman he wanted to know if she prefers gold or silver and it clicked he's either going to give her a stunning necklace or he's proposing to her.

"You coming?" I smiled heading out of the room and then bolting it down the stairs.

I quickly retrieved my mobile from the living area and re dialled Normans number and it didn't even ring twice he picked up straight away.

"Hey you called?"

"Yeah I did where we're you because you didn't answer."

"I was with Savannah talking about you and Mingus."

"Oh really? What was she saying?"

"All I'm going to say is you and Mingus are her everything she loves you guys more than me and that's shocking." I giggled.

"Are you talking to Norman?" Savannah asked coming down the stairs,

"No its Jesse." I lied,

"Who's jesse?" Norman asked,

"Well hurry up my mom made us some lunch." She smirked.

"Hang on a sec." I said sliding the glass door and stepping outside.

"Savannah was there wasn't she?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, what did you want anyway?"

"Well your her best friend and you know I love her and I asked you if she preferred gold or silver I'm planning on preposing but I don't want you to tell her okay?."

"Awh!!!! Do you have the you know?"

"Yep, borrowed one of her rings to get the size perfect I just hope she'll say yes." He said sighing slightly,

"She will I know her but don't be upset if she looks a little confused or overwhelmed."

"Alright well I gotta go."

"Okay bye." I said and then I hung up.

I shoved my phone into my jean pocket and headed into the kitchen where Savannah and her mom were sat I guessed her dad was either at work or out hunting but either way wasn't here.

"Ham and salad sandwiches." Grace smiled.

"Oh yum!" I smiled sitting to the table and taking the sandwich from the plate.

"Your an animal." Savannah laughed.

"I'm sorry that your moms food is amazing!" I giggled taking a big bite.

"So what did Norman want?"she asked,

"I told you it was Jesse."

"Lair I heard you mention Mingus."

"Yeah well he just wanted to check I was looking after you." I smiled.


Awh guys I'm so sorry for the late updates but hopefully two chapters in one day will make up for it? I hope and also thank you so much for the reads,comments and votes :) follow my fan twitter
@rainieundead for little spoilers and stuff also check out my other story it'd be much appreciated.

Off to post Chapter 20 :)

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