Chapter Twenty - Snow and Skinny Love

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Hello all.

I had to babysit again today, but I'm kind of sick so it was a bit of a struggle. Good news is I get my schedule for school on Wednesday and I'm excited. Bad news is I'm trying to get a schedule change and my counselor won't respond even though my mom sent the email two weeks ago.

Warnings: nightmare

Feel free to comment your comments, questions, and concerns below!


May's POV
December 8, 2:01 pm

May and Thomas walked out of art together, May turning around once to wave goodbye to Angela. She had art eighth period, the last period of the day. What do you think about the project we're doing? Thomas asked her.

I think your project looks a lot better than mine.

Are you kidding me? You're so talented at everything.

May made a face. Not gym.

Well, neither am I. I wish you were in my gym class. May caught herself blushing a little.

I wish you were in my gym class, too.

At least you have Bisma. I have no one.

I see you five periods a day, plus lunch.

True, true.

May turned to Thomas. I have to go, my dads are waiting for me.

I'll come with you.

May felt her heart leap a little in her chest. She liked Thomas. A lot. She could tell he liked her, too, but she didn't know how Dad and Papa felt about her dating. Also, she didn't know if Thomas would ever ask her out.

The sight of snow on the ground and falling from the sky as they walked outside shocked May. Snow! She scooped down and grabbed a handful of the fluffy white substance and molded it into a ball.

Don't even think about— Thomas didn't have a chance to finish his sentence, because May threw the snowball, and it hit him square in the chest. Oh, it's on.

Castiel's POV
December 8, 2:03 pm

"Dean, it's snowing," Cas said as Dean pulled into the school parking lot.

"Yes, Cas. This white fluff of Satan is what caused our heater to break and why our house is twenty degrees."

Dean didn't like the snow, but it was Cas's favorite time of the year. People seemed happier and kinder around the holidays. Cas glanced out the window through the snow to see a boy and a girl engaged in throwing snow at each other. It took him a moment to realize that May was the girl. "Dean, look, it's May. That must be Thomas."

"When are we going to meet her friends? I really want to. Especially this Thomas boy."

"Me too." Cas turned his attention back to May and Thomas, and his heart dropped as he saw Thomas pelting May with snow, May shielding herself with her arms. "He's hurting her!" Cas moved to get out of the car, but Dean caught his arm.

"He's not hurting her. They're just playing."

He saw May wave goodbye to Thomas, and she bounded down the steps to the Impala. Hi, Dad. Hi, Papa, she signed once she was inside the car.

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