Chapter Thirty-One - Hopeless and Helpless

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Dean's POV
January 31, 4:17 pm

Dean sighed heavily as he slammed his angel blade on the table. He was exhausted, and bleeding. Granted, everyone was exhausted and bleeding. They had just got back from killing Hadraniel per Metatron's request, and Hadraniel had known they were coming. There were four more angels they had to kill on top of Hadraniel, and they were vicious.

Dean glanced over at Cas, who was bracing his hands on the table, staring down at the ground. "Cas? Do you need any bandages? Stitches?"

"I'm fine," Cas mumbled and moved to leave, but Dean caught his shoulders.

"Cas, talk to me."

Cas sighed. "I don't want to talk, I want to find our daughter."

"Cas, we will find her and—"

"What if she's already dead?"

Dean was stunned. He would be lying if he said the thought hadn't crossed his mind before, but he had always pushed it away. "She's not dead."

"How do you know? We haven't seen her in two weeks. Metatron could've killed her after we saw her." Dean could see tears streaming down Cas's cheeks.

"Don't talk like that, Cas." Dean's own tears were forming in his eyes. "Don't talk like that. May is not dead, you hear me? She isn't dead. We will find her, and we will bring her home, and she will get better and be safe with us."

"She was never safe with us, Dean. And you know it."

Sam's POV
January 31, 4:23 pm

Are you okay, Sam?

Sam was jolted from his mind at the movement of Eileen's hands. Yeah, I'm fine.

Are you sure? You seem quiet.

Yeah, my arm just hurts. He rolled up his sleeve to show her the deep cut on his forearm, given to him by an angel protecting Hadraniel.

I'll stitch it up for you, Eileen signed and stood up.

No, it's okay, I can do it myself.

Sit down, Sam. There was no use arguing with his fiancée, so he sat on the edge of their bed and waited for her to come back. Sam winced as Eileen stitched up the gash. I'm sorry, honey. I know it hurts.

I'm fine, Sam signed forcefully.

There, I'm done. He let out a sigh of relief as she set the needle down on their dresser, then sat down next to him. What's wrong, Sam? Eileen asked gently.

Nothing's wrong.

Sam, something's wrong. You've barely talked all day.

He sighed. This whole situation is just... It's terrible. It's been almost three weeks, and we haven't found anything, and I'm just... afraid we'll be too late. May's just a kid, and she's been through so much already... She doesn't deserve this. She doesn't deserve any of this.

I know, Sam. I know none of this is fair. I miss her, too. She leaned forward and kissed him. I love you, Sam Winchester.

Sam gave her a small smile. I love you, too.

Catherine's POV
January 31, 7:08 pm

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