Chapter Thirty - Forgiveness and Fraudulence

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Hello all.

I don't have anything to say this week because my life is very boring.

Warnings: mentions of drunk driving, speeding, hallucinations, mentions of torture, overall a very negative chapter

Feel free to comment your comments, questions, and concerns below!


Castiel's POV
January 28, 8:09 am

As Castiel gazed down at his sleeping husband from the foot of their bed, all of the pity and weepiness he had felt hours before was gone, replaced by anger. Dean had left without any indication of where he was going, then he went and got himself arrested. What was he thinking? Dean groaned and rolled over, rubbing his eyes. "I'm in trouble, aren't I?" he asked, meeting Cas's gaze.

"You left," Cas started. "You left me and your brother and Eileen to find May for ourselves. We had no idea where you were, or if you were okay!"

"I'm sorry, Cas. I was upset—"

"Join the club, Dean!" Cas shouted. "She's my daughter, too! Of course I'm upset that she's been kidnapped and we have no idea where she is! But you know what? I didn't run off and leave my family to do all the work."

"I'm sorry, Cas," Dean repeated quietly.

"Why were you arrested, anyway?"

"I was speeding."

"How fast were you going?"

Dean hesitated, then looked down at the sheets. "120 miles an hour."

A new bout of anger filled Cas. "120 miles an hour? You could've gotten yourself killed, Dean! And you were drunk! Do you know what you dying would have done to me? To our family? What would I have told May when we found her if you had died? Dean, I need you here!"

"Cas." Dean's eyes were glassy with tears. "I am so sorry. Please forgive me."

Cas huffed. "Of course I forgive you." Dean stood and wrapped his arms around Cas, resting his head on his shoulder.

"I have a headache," Dean murmured.

"That's what you get for going 120 miles per hour while drunk."

Dean let out a small puff of air as a laugh. "Yeah. I deserve this."

"Just..." Cas's voice was light. "Don't do that again."

Dean lifted his head to look at Cas. "I promise. I won't run off again. I'm sorry, Cas. I love you."

Cas touched Dean's cheek. "I love you, too."

Dean and Cas both elected to stay in bed for a little bit longer; Dean was hungover, and Cas was dead tired. Mostly they just laid side-by-side in silence. Dean was the first one to talk. "Do you ever think..." he trailed off.

"What is it, Dean?"

"Do you ever think about what Metatron is doing to May?" His voice was soft.

"I try not to," Cas answered honestly. "I try not to."

"God, Cas, what are we doing?"

Cas frowned. "What do you mean?"

"How did we even get cleared to adopt a kid? We live in a friggin secret bunker. Our kid has been kidnapped and beaten and bullied, and she hasn't even lived with us for a year."

"Dean Winchester, if you are trying to tell me you regret adopting our daughter—"

"No, no, no, that's not what I'm trying to say. I'm trying to say..."

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