Chapter Sixteen - Legacy and Legends

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Hello all.

I'm so tired. The kids at my camp are wild and don't listen.

Warnings: mentions of physical bullying

Feel free to comment your comments, questions, and concerns below!


Castiel's POV
October 12, 2:08 pm

Dean and Cas watched as May sauntered down the school steps toward the Impala. As she slid into the backseat, Cas noticed a cut on her forehead that wasn't there this morning, and that her shirt was wet. He turned in his seat, and motioned for Dean to do the same. Was it Amber? May just shrugged.

Peanut, you have to tell us, Dean signed gently. May hesitated, then nodded.

What happened? Cas asked.

We were working on our science projects, and I was behind her, waiting to put my scissors away, and she spun around and "accidentally" cut me in the forehead. Then, during lunch she "accidentally" spilled milk on me.

She cut you in the forehead with scissors and then dumped milk on you? Dean asked with disbelief written clearly on his face. May nodded.

Dean's disbelief quickly turned to anger as he roughly put the Impala in reverse and drove home. Cas glanced in the rear view mirror a couple times, just to check on May. She stared into her lap, wringing her hands together and fiddling with her fingers. As soon as the Impala stopped in the garage, Dean was out of the car, storming off into the Bunker. Cas sighed. It bothered him to see his husband so upset. It bothered him even more to see his daughter hurt on a daily basis and not being able to do anything about it.

He's not mad at you, Cas assured May.

May nodded. I know.

Cas guided May into the Bunker. Sam and Eileen were sitting in an armchair, reading a book. Eileen was resting against Sam's chest. Sam had the book in one hand, and his other arm draped around Eileen. They both glanced up at Cas and May when they walked into the library. Sam frowned when May got close enough for him to see the cut on her forehead and the dampness of her shirt.

"Will you clean this cut while I go talk to Dean?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah. Sure."

Sam's POV
October 12, 2:12 pm

May sat down in a chair as Sam located the first-aid kit they kept underneath the kitchen sink. He didn't know what to say. May hadn't said anything or made eye contact with anyone and he imagined she probably didn't want to talk about it anyway. This is going to sting a little, he told her. She nodded. As he wiped the disinfectant over the cut, she didn't so much as blink. Eileen rubbed her back. Sam placed a band-aid over the cut and stood back. Are you okay? he asked. May shrugged.

It's okay if you aren't, Eileen signed.

I don't like seeing Dad and Papa so upset. It's my fault.

Hey, none of this is your fault. Don't blame yourself. You have done nothing wrong and you don't deserve to be treated like this. Sam could tell May was on the verge of tears. Come here, May. Sam wrapped his arms around his niece. She buried her face into his shoulder, and he could tell she was trying not to cry.

May's POV
October 12, 2:24 pm

May pulled out of Uncle Sam's embrace. I'm going to go find Dad.

Are you okay now?

I'm okay, she signed and gave Uncle Sam and Eileen quick hugs, then set off for Dad and Papa's bedroom, first stopping in her bedroom to change her shirt. No one was in their bedroom. As she was leaving, she noticed an old picture sitting on a nightstand. In the picture was a woman, a man, a boy, and a baby standing outside what had to be their house. May decided that the boy had to be Dad and the baby had to be Uncle Sam. The man and woman had to be their parents.

May realized she knew absolutely nothing about her family's lives from before she arrived. She pocketed the picture and walked to the kitchen. Papa sat at the table.

Hey, Button. Are you okay?

Yeah. Where's Dad?

I don't know. He's in here somewhere. I can't find him.

I'll find him.

Are you sure you're okay?

I'm fine.

Okay. I love you.

I love you, too, Papa.

May left the kitchen. Where could he have gone? She checked the living room; Dad wasn't in there. There was only one other room she was really familiar with: the shooting range.

Dean's POV
October 12, 2:29 pm

Dean didn't go to his bedroom when they got home. He headed straight for the shooting range. No one would think to look down here.

At least that's what he thought.

Dean sat on the concrete floor, head buried in his hands. God, he was a horrible father. He couldn't protect his daughter from anything.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of feet against the concrete floor. It was May. She just walked over and sat down beside him. Hi.


Are you okay? she asked.

Are you okay?

I asked you first.

Dean smiled sadly. I'm so sorry, Peanut. If it's okay with you, we're moving you to a new school. A better school with nicer people.

That's okay with me.

How's your forehead?

It's fine. Her expression turned serious. I have a question.

What's your question?

May reached into her pocket and pulled out an old photograph of Dean, Sam, and their mother and father. She handed it to him. Will you tell me more about my family?

Yes, I can do that.

Dean started the night his mother died; he told May about demons and angels and monsters and heaven and hell and sacrifice and how he met Cas and all of the friends they had lost and how family is the most important thing of all. May watched with wide eyes, and when Dean was finished, she sat back against the wall.

Did all that really happen? she asked finally.


May looked distraught, and like she was about to cry.

May, It's okay. We're alright.

She threw her arms around Dean's neck, and Dean returned her embrace. It bewildered him sometimes how much she hugged people. He knew teenagers weren't typically huggy, but May was different, and he wouldn't have had it any other way. May pulled back and sat back on the ground.

I love you, Dad.

I love you, too, Peanut.


1. I PROMISE the next few chapters are happy I promise I promise.

2. That part with Sam and Eileen reading in the recliner was my Saileen shipper side taking over whoops.

See ya next week!

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