First Contact

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I closed my eyes and concentrated. I lifted my arm and held it in the air. Moving around was harder than it looks. After what seemed like hours I was able to stand up. I leaned against the wall for support when I heard a clicking noise. Like gears shifting and starting. Then I realize, it's coming from me. My vision started to get better, and soon I was able to see. At least, I think I could. If I could, then the room was very dark. I couldn't even see my hands in front of my face. I took a step away from the wall and found I could balance. I took another step. Then another. Then another. Soon I was just walking around in a circle. And every step sound like metal hitting the floor. I smiled as I walked around the room I was in. Nothing was in here, but me. I could feel the presence of what seemed like other beings. But I didn't see any.

I had to focus on getting out if here. I placed my hand on the wall and moved around, trying to find a door handle. The feeling of the wall was different. How I knew, I didn't know. All I remembered was that it wasn't supposed to feel like it did. I gripped something and I twisted it. I pushed it open and it reveled a hallway. I stuck my head out of it and seen no one. I looked around and seen that wires hung from the ceiling and plastic stars were on the walls and hanging along with the wires. A security camera was in the corner of the hall, a little light flashing green. I smiled at the camera and as soon as I did it turned off. I frowned and decided to find out who was behind the camera.

I was the only one in the dark hallways. With every step I took, the sound of metal echoed around me. I nervously looked around, feeling like something is going to attack me. Like something is watching me. Testing me. I shook that feeling away, sorta, and tried to find who was behind the cameras. I came into a room were games and tables were. A huge stage was in front of it all, showing off nothing. Lights hung from the ceiling, but all were off. A table was in a corner of the room with plushies of animals were around it. A huge present box was also by it. I wonder what is in it. I was about to go and open it, but then I heard a crash. I jumped and spun around. I didn't see anything that could have made the noise. I hid under the table that had the plushies on it and stayed quite.

"Did you see it?" I froze when I heard the robotic like voice. It sounded like a boy.

"No. I couldn't get a g-good look at it." Said another robotic voice, this time a girls. She seemed to had glitch out when she spoke.

"Neither did I." Said the boy again."But I think it when under there." I froze. The "it" they were talking about me. The sound of metal hitting the floor came closer to me. That was sound that I made when I walked. I crawled out from under the table and hid infront of it. They went over to were I was, and I could feel the table cloth being lifted up. I shut my eyes tightly, trying to hit make a sound.

"It's not here." The girl said. "Maybe it was just our vision acting up again. We'll have the marionette check it." I heard them walking away and let out a sigh. I peeked out and seen that no one was in the room. I sighed and slumped down onto the ground. I was safe. I looked up and seen that I was wrong. A white face was looking down on me. It had black eyes with what looked like violet paint coming from them like tears. It had red cheeks and was smiling at me. I got up quickly and ran away. I looked back and seen that it had came out of its box and was casing me. I wanted to shout out, but my voice wasn't working.

I ran down the hallway I had came from. I turned instead of gong strait, and I looked back to see that the thing was still on my tail. I came across and room that had no door. I passed it, then I seen another one. I ran into the room and hid under a table that was set for a party. Then a bell rang out, fallowed by a cheer. What was that? I was about to come out, but I heard footsteps running down the hall. I peeked out and seen it was a person. Not the thing that was chasing me, a actual person. I got up and tried to catch him, but he seems to have disappeared. I frowned. I started walking back to the room were I guess I was originally in. But then I headed voices. Coming from the end of the hall. I tried to walk silently to it, with the metal banging and all. But why was it that every step I took sounded like metal hitting the floor?

I poked my head around the corner and seen the thing that was chasing me, a blue figure and a yellow and pink one. Lights suddenly turned on everywhere, and it blinded me, causing my vision to go blurry. So I focused on trying to listen to them, and it seemed to have worked. It sounded like they were right next to me.

"-wrong with them. Your fine, and I seen her, too. We'll have to fine her tomorrow night, and find out why she's starting up now. And not when the original ones did. Now you two get up on stage, before the instructor comes in."

"Told you my vision was fine. But thank you, marionette." Said the same boy's voice I heard earlier.

"Sorry, Toy B-Bonnie." Said the girl's voice, I also heard from earlier, glitched out again.

"And I'm going to check your voice box again, Toy Chica." The "marionette" said. So I know three names. Marionette, Toy Chica, and Toy Bonnie. But what are the "originals"? And what did he mean when he said "and find out why she's starting up now."? Was I asleep for a long time?

They started walking to the stage I seen earlier, but this time something else was already on it. I moved backwards, about to leave but then my back went against something hard. I froze as fear started to fill my body. I could hear clicking noises and electricity in whatever had stopped me. A big purple hand was placed on my shoulder. It was dark and worn out, like a old peice of an abounded building. I looked up and seen two glowing red eyes staring down on me.

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