Ghosts, Freinds, and then there's Mike

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"Freddy Fazebears will be closing in five minutes. Thank you for visiting and come back soon."

I heard the music stop and people talking and footsteps coming from the main room. Soon that started to die down, but didn't stop completely. "Mommy? Mom, where are you?" I froze when I heard the faint voice. A million thoughts rushed in my head on what's happening, or that maybe I'm hearing things. This could be a child separated from its mother and stranded here. Or maybe one of the dead children. Or what if Vincent is still here and he's the next victim.

"I'm right here Tommy." I relaxed when I heard another voice. It sounded female, so I knew it wasn't our killer. "Mommy, I met someone knew today. She said she makes sure everyone is ok." I smiled remembering the kids that I had met. Tommy went on about how my voice sounded and cold felling of my hands. His older sister told them that I was an animatronic, a broken one. The mother sounded surprised. But the kids seemed calm about it. They didn't care that I was broken and looked terrifying. I smiled as I listened to them talking.

"I hope I can see her again." They said. The mother laughed and said that they'll be back soon. I didn't hear them after that. I smiled and closed my eyes, picturing the two kids with their mother. By the looks of it, she would have green eyes and dirty blond hair. She sounded like someone with a lot of energy, so she may have been a stay at home mom. Their father must have worked late into the night, for I didn't hear him. I also didn't hear any sounds that signified that she wore high heels. Maybe one who runs around a lot or stays outside. Maybe has a garden. So may not have worn a skirt to often, and has a tanned skin for being outside. But that's just a theory.

I walked out of the room and went down the hallway. I glanced over and didn't see Jeremy in his little office. I wondered were he could have gone. I shrugged it off and walked past the empty hallway. The lights were still on, so it wasn't dark and spooky yet. Doesn't seem like a place that would be haunted, or dark.

"Hey, she's back on."

I smiled when I seen Toy Chica wave to me. I waved back, and then she we back to talking to Mangel. "Hey y/n, want to untie me?" I looked over and seen that the puppet had strings attached to his arms and hands. And he didn't seem pleased about it. I rolled my eyes and ran over to him. "They think it's funny because I'm a puppet." He said as I started to untie him. "Hey. If it's the kids that attack the nightgaurd, then why do the Toys do it?" I asked him as I released his arm. I didn't want to wast anytime. I need answers now.

"The kids force them too. They even tried to put up a fight, but it didn't end well......." He didn't make eye contact with me after that statement. I frowned at the thought of those kids being so cruel. They weren't like that, and I knew it. "Why was I on that table? And just, what happened." I got tired of untying the strings, so I just started cutting them.

"Well, you started glitching out, and then you attacked them." I paused. "W-who?" What i saw was the purple man, but I had a feeling that wasn't it. "The originals." He said. I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I hurt my friends. I held back my will to run and hide, and started cutting the strings again. "D-did." I gulped down my fear for the answer. "Did I hurt anyone?"

He didn't answer. I looked down and cut the last of the strings. "I'm sorry. I wish I could say I knew what went wrong" He placed his hand on my shoulder and I brushed it off. "It's not your fault. You weren't seeing things right." I shook my head. I didn't want to believe I hurt them. T-that I attacked my friends. The ones who cared about me. They tried to stop me, they-. They didn't fight back...... I was attacking them and they didn't fight back. One of them tried to keep me calm, and I just attacked them. Then one of the kids.....

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