Chapter Seven

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Gosh I hurt. Everything hurt. I didn't need to use the bathroom I just wanted to see how bad my face looked. And I needed to think for a second. We were about to kiss. Niall. No, it wouldn't ever happen. Would it? I don't know. You know what else I don't know? Were the bathroom is. I haven't used it yet. I swear they don't have a dang bathroom anywhere.

"Just over there." I heard a voice call behind me. I got nervous. That voice sounded like, Anthony. But how did he get here? I turned around and my heart almost stopped.

"Harry?" Harry was standing there with his arms crossed leaning on the door frame.

"The one and only." He took a bow and gave a half smile. "Just go right there and it's the door to the left.

"Thank you." I said sheepishly. I never noticed how much they sounded alike. That apart scared me. I took his instructions and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. My lip was cut down almost to my chin. I had another cut that went from my ear to just below my eye. I looked awful. I looked at my stomach, almost to scared to look. I held my breath.

"Oh no." I said to myself. I just about fell looking. All of it was bruised and there were little marks from where she had heels on. "No. No." I quickly pulled down my shirt and walked out of the bathroom.

"Why are you here?" I asked looking at Harry sitting on the bed.

"What are you talking about this is my room." Oh, oops.

"Oh, sorry. I forgot."

"It's fine love. Come here." He said to my grabbing my hand. I started to shake. "Please. I'm not going to hurt you, just come here."

"I-uh- okay." I said walking closer. He embraced me into a hug. That was it. I couldn't handle it. I felt so weak. I can't do anything for myself. I started to sob in his shirt. He rubbed circles on my back and stroked my hair.

"It's okay Spence. I'm here. Just calm down." I started to shake more and shook my head.


"But nothing." He pulled away and cupped my face so he could look me in the eyes. "You don't deserve this and you have all of us that are here now. We won't let a thing happen to you. I promise." I nodded. I hoped he was right. I felt so weak.

"Pinky promise?" I said holding up my shaking pinky. He snickered and locked pinkies with mine.

"Pinky promise." He hugged me again. He felt so warm. He made me feel safe.

"HARRY!" I heard someone yell. I jumped and Harry laughed.

"It's just Louis. Don't be scared." I smiled an he got up. We walked to where ever he called from. I felt a hand on my lower back. I tried not to flinch because I knew it was only Harry.

"Hey Lou!" Harry said as we walked into a huge kitchen. I sad down at the little island bar. Harry sat down beside of me.

"Hey Spencer!" Louis said to me. I smiled at his cheekiness.

"Hey! What about me Lou?!"

"Oh sorry Harry. Hey." He said dully rolling his eyes. Harry rolled his back. I heard someone enter the kitchen.

"Hey gu- oh hey Spencer."

"Hey, um-"

"Liam." Harry said for me. I blushed a little.

"I'm Spencer. I think we met the other day sorry I don't remember names very well." I loved meeting people.

"Harry, can we maybe take a walk or something I want some air."

"Nope." He said popping the P.

"Pl-ease?! Ha-rry!"

"Umm. No." I rolled my eyes.

"Well I'm going. So are you going to let me walk alone?"

"Heck no!" He said getting up. I smiled at my success.

"Thank you!" I said getting up and walking to the door waiting on him.

"Hey! You tricked me!"

"No I didn't!" I said putting my arms up. "Will you carry me?"

"Fine." He said with a sigh. I jumped on his back and we walked down the street.

"Hey Harry?"

"Yes love?"

"What is there to do in London?"

"Well loads of stuff."

"Like what? Do you guys really sit around and drink tea and crumpets?"

"Um. Wow. Weird question but, no. Maybe drink tea."


"Yeah. Now let me ask you a question."

"Okay!" I said being perky.

"What is your full name?"

"Spencer Louise Van."

"Wow pretty. Like the shoes?"

"Oh wow I never thought of that." I said giggling.

"Okay. Next question. Why did your parents leave you here? If you don't mind me asking!"

"Oh it's okay. I-I don't know. They just never came back."


"Yeah." It was silent for a while. I saw a man walking towards us. I squinted my eyes to see a familiar person. "A-Anthony?"

(A/N sorry it took me so long to update but I will try to more often. School has been in the way of my writing but I promise to update later. please VOTE, COMMENT, READ! please I love you all! I am writing other books but I'm not sure if I want to post them yet but if you want me to or not please please please please COMMENT or MESSAGE me!!!!!!!! okay I'm done bye! I may do an update later. Maybe. or not.)

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