Taggy Tag Tag

36 8 24

I was tagged by KatOfGotham and QuinzelOfDiamonds :3
So uhm yeh

Do I like someone?
Uhm... Yes x3

Do they like me?
I don't know :,0

Middle name.
Stephany x3

Single or Taken?
Single, duh: v

Last person I texted?
Lexy Loo~ :3

Last Song I listened to?
............Anaconda....DON'T JUDGE MEH XD 

Battery %?

Girl Bestfriend?
Here? uhm...All of  them are my Huns x3

Boy Bestfriend?
Idek ;;-;;

Fav OTP?
UH...STONY! /Clintasha/- There are more-

Why I made my  acc!?
Because.... it all started when I saw for first time the movie BvS, idk. I wanted to be the  /first/  Mercy rp account. :v

Current  Lockscreen?

(Pepperony is  other Ship

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(Pepperony is  other Ship...)

July 8th

I tag:~

MalGordon ;3;
TheeeJokeer *3*
And, who else is reading this :v  

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