T7 P8: Ymir is my spirit animal

474 28 12


Freckled Lesbian- hey can u bring popcorn, chocolate, cookie dough ice cream and all the lotr movies to kristas room

The Gay Titan- why..?

Freckled Lesbian- bc lord of the rings marathon w the bae

The Gay Titan- ok but only bc u two are hella cute together

The Gay Titan- including the hobbit or

Freckled Lesbian- hey if it gives me more gay cuddle time then sure

The Gay Titan- k brb u absolute lesbian

Freckled Lesbian- I am so gay

The Gay Titan- same tbh

Freckled Lesbian- like what who let this happen

Freckled Lesbian- along w u Mikasa and krista ive reached maximum homosexuality

The Gay Titan- das tru

The Gay Titan- enjoy ur cute yuri cuddling I'll go cuddle w my aromantic friend and my lesbian sister

Freckled Lesbian- jfc just ask Levi to cuddle if u need ur daily dose of gay

The Gay Titan- actually Levi is pan so even if he's in a relationship w a dude he's still not gay that's kind of erasing his identity as someone who's attracted to girls and nonbinary ppl

Freckled Lesbian- sorry yeah I forgot I just can't picture him with anyone but u

The Gay Titan- but we're nOT TOGETHER OH MY GOD

Freckled Lesbian- *insert why u always lyin*

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