C1 P1: Mikasa is such a mom god help her

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A/N what the fuck this is badly written and angsty as shit??? help??? this pile of shit is dedicated to my lovely friend, @nettlefang (happy birthday) now in this theres like eren wont eat and its not rlly an ED thing but like just in case u might want to skip out and DM me ill summarise it.


The silence weighed heavily on both people in the room. It was the sort of impenetrable silence that could drown a person. And yet, still, Mikasa broke it. 'Eat.'

Eren's emotions were usually easily read- he felt them strongly and defiantly and it showed- but today, the face illuminated by dusty, golden sunlight seemed almost blank.

He was sitting, cross-legged, in a bed at the furthest left corner of the room, staring past his sister, at the wall. Had he even heard her?

She realised, accepted that he was feeling more than slightly off- who wouldn't, after destroying a well-off, Wall Sina town, killing several citizens and almost eating his fellow Cadet graduate?- but food was necessary, and not just for his own safety- the entire human race was depending on his health.

'Please. Please eat.'

Eren turned wearily towards her. He smiled that smile that had rarely met his eyes since Shiganshina. 'I'm just... I-' He cleared his throat. 'I almost ate Annie. Alive. I'll be fine by morning. Promise.' Eren closed his eyes and Mikasa felt a pang of pity. The things they had all seen... It was hard on ordinary soldiers alone, but he had literally been inside a Titan's stomach. He knew how it felt to be a Titan, too, how it felt to lose control and endanger everybody. God. She might as well let him be. It wasn't as if she had a clue what he was going through.


When Mikasa woke, it was still silent. The sun was rising and the strong rays of heat and light filtering through the open window hurt her eyes. A spider danced along its web, which billowed and waved in the light breeze coming into the room. Silent.

Eren was awake. Curled into a tight ball of limbs and unspoken fear.

She took her brother's shaking hand. Tears ambled down the slopes and dips of his face, clung to his thick eyelashes.

She wasn't sure what to do. Speaking was too hard. The silence swallowed her words.

Mikasa held his hand as he shook and waited for him to fall asleep.


It was silent, too, hours later. But this was a very different silence. Maybe going to Levi wasn't Mikasa's best idea, but he had been Eren's guard of sorts. His entire team had been watching Eren, but, then again, with what went down in Stohess, everything could have changed.

Levi's steely eyes bore into Mikasa's. Finally, his gaze softened, and in a near-monotone voice, he spoke. 'Not eating, huh? Couldn't you just make him? From what I've heard and seen, you're far superior to him in terms of strength.'

It took more willpower not to roll her eyes than it should have, but Mikasa shrugged helplessly. 'I tried. But he's started freaking out when I go near him. Thinks he's going to go Titan if I force-feed him, but still refuses to eat.'

A flicker of something, something perhaps resembling sympathy, passed over Levi's face, but he resumed his disinterested expression quickly.

'I'll be in his room in half an hour. I expect you to have sent any visitors away by then. You can stay until you're told otherwise.'


Mikasa wasn't sure what to expect. Captain Levi wasn't exactly the most outwardly emotional person within the Walls. He was friendly enough to Eren, but she wasn't sure yet how much that meant. She expected to be surprised. She expected him to succeed in getting Eren to eat. Mikasa knew he didn't want to, but she was sure he was willing to be convinced, because he knew he had to. Jesus, Eren knew. He definitely wasn't trying to be difficult, and he was well fucking aware of how important this was, but he was kind of fucked up at the moment, and from what Mikasa had seen, the thought of eating had him gagging and shivering.

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