T8 P9: Petra is a beautiful woman who must be protected at all costs

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Girlfriend- you've been in your lab for three days I made cookies let me in

Theyfriend- it hasn't been three days wtf it's Tuesday

Theyfriend- but I'll let u in bc ur sweet and cute and u made me cookies I love you

Girlfriend- love you too hanji but it's Friday sweetie

Theyfriend- shit i'm so sorry I just got this new lead when I took a sample of Eren's spinal fluid and I lost track of time

Girlfriend- babe it's okay it's more important to advance our knowledge of the Titans then to spend time with your girlfriend

Girlfriend- tbh i'm more worried abt u than abt us when u disappear to ur lab for ages

Girlfriend- have u eaten since Tuesday?

Theyfriend- well that explains why my stomach is killing me :/ I thought i was abt to get my period

Girlfriend- Jesus Christ just let me in and eat the cookies and u can rant abt ur science stuff to me even though I won't have a clue what ur saying it's cute when u get excited

Theyfriend- why are you so sweet and caring I love you

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