T9 P10: this is so long rip

511 28 19

(Group Chat: Make Ereri Canon 2k16)

-Horseface- why am I even here-

-Horseface- I strongly dislike Eren and I don't even know captain levi-

The Armoured Lesbian- bc isn't it annoying u? like all that tension jfc

-Jesus- also bc I think it's cute and u are my boyfriend and u must support me-

-Horseface- ok fair-

-Commander Eyebrows- everybody offer what evidence u have gathered. we need to see if they are actually together yet and lying abt it or if they need a push-

#NoRomo- ok no offence this is rly cool but wHY IS THE COMMANDER OF THE SURVEY CORPS IN THIS GROUP CHAT???¿?

-Commander Eyebrows- bc levi is my bro? and I'm massive fckn shipper? fuck u armin-

#NoRomo- fair enough but how do u even know my name

-Commander Eyebrows- idk the recruits this year are just rly coOL like we have a tITAN and shit-

-Commander Eyebrows- ok evidence lets go in alphabetical order that's armin first-

#NoRomo- ok
1. always staring into each other's eyes for ridiculously long periods of time
2. it's plausible bc Eren is gay and levi is pan
3. Eren is always talking abt him
Erwin next

-Commander Eyebrows-
4. Levi is always talking abt Eren
5. they would be so perfect together im crying
6. remember after all the stohess shit well I'm not rly supposed to say this but fuck it um Eren wouldnt eat and then Levi came and stayed for like hours and when I came in the tray of food was empty and they were both asleep and like cuddling bYE-

The Female Lesbian- wow well that was kind of Eren's personal business but it's been said and no way am I giving the commander shit, no matter how chill he is so lets ignore that and aW THATS GAY,, AND CUTE,, ANd

-Commander Eyebrows-this is christa right-

The Female Lesbian- *krista but yes

-Commander Eyebrows- ok why are the lesbians naming themselves after Titans-

The Colossal Lesbian- bc we're cooler than u polysexuals/heteros/males/nonbinary ppl

-Commander Eyebrows-sounds fake but ok-

-Commander Eyebrows- also Hanji ur next w evidence-

-Ayyyyyyygender- ok firstly thanks Ymir for including me in the not cool list (like not that I'm not cool just that I exist idk) and also:
7. the other day I was doing //science// on Eren as a titan and after that when Eren came out tired and sweaty with ripped clothes and messy hair im like 98.69% sure Levi got a b o n e r (!)
8. Levi has been sMILING AND LAUGHING
9. the same day as 7. Eren kinda went a bit like violent as a Titan and Levi like sat on his head and played w his emo Titan hair and I think talked to him and calmed him down and it was cute ok-

The Female Lesbian- oK THATS CUTE aw

The Colossal Lesbian- we're cuter tho right

The Female Lesbian- obvs

The Armoured Lesbian- u two are rly cute I hate u

The Colossal Lesbian- thx, pete


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