Confessions chapter 14

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The blackness pulled me under. I drifted in that sea of black for what felt like an eternity but slowly I regained consciousness. As I came to my senses I felt nothing but pain. I heard the sounds of an ambulance approaching and Mae screaming and crying for my dad to stop. It was like he didn’t even hear her. He was on top of me yelling and with every yell came a new blow to my face or any other part of my body he could get to. I felt a wetness streaming down the side of my face and into my eye blinding me. I wanted to reach up and wipe it away but my arms were pinned beneath my dad as he continued to inflict blow after blow upon my body.

The beating seemed to last forever blow after blow. I couldn’t fathom in my mind why my dad would do this. He had hit only one time before but this, this wasn’t merely a slap out of anger or even a punch but a full out beating. I felt another blow to my face and I could hear the sharp cracking sound of my jaw being broken but still the blows did not stop. I finally managed to get an arm free but it was useless against his anger. Even as I tried to defend myself with my free hand he grabbed the arm and twisted. The deafening pop of bones was all I could hear as he twisted it rendering it useless.

I had a feeling that my time had run out. I wasn’t going to be able to save my mom or child. Lucien had been right about one thing something had definitely not been right but no one had been messing with things. I had just pissed my dad off one time to many. I admit I had seen dad angry from time to time but he had never been violent. Like I said before he had hit me the one time but he had regretted it the moment he’d done it. This anger was new and it was so unlike him.

My lungs were burning like I couldn’t get any air and I felt myself become light headed. I was going to pass out again, I knew it. I tried my best to remain conscious but I could feel the blackness closing in but before it did even though my jaw was broken I treid to get out one word.

“Why?” The word was garbled and didn’t sound right but my dad understood it clearly.

I saw something go through his eyes for a moment. It looked like regret and sadness but in a flash his eyes were cold and hard again. Everything went black again as I looked into his eyes. I awoke to the shallow beat of a heart monitor in a sterile hospital room. I heard a kind of silent weeping coming from someone on my left.

I tried to move my head in the direction of the weeping and muffled moan escaped my lips.

The weeping person began to move over into my direction.

“Are you awake?”

I barely recognized the voice it was hoarse and distraught from what sounded like hours of crying. It was Mae. Why would she be crying in here I thought to myself. I tried to talk but my mouth wouldn’t move.

Moving to where she could see me Mae spoke again,

“Don’t try to talk Cat, your jaw is broken so they wired it shut, it may hurt you if you try.”

I just nodded to her. I guess that was why my mouth wouldn’t move. I wanted to ask what happened but I couldn’t. I knew it hadn’t been a dream like so much that had happened in the last few months nothing ever was. I was living a nightmare and I couldn’t wake up.

“I had to make sure you were okay.” Mae spoke again pulling me from my thoughts. “I don’t know what got into your father. I’ve never seen him that way. He hasn’t spoken a word to anyone since it happened, not me, his lawyer or the cops can get a word out of him. It’s like he isn’t even there anymore.” She broke down into more tears.

“He, he tried to kill you and none of us knows why. The cops said it had to be drugs but all the tests came back negative. They’re saying it was some kind of psychotic break. He hasn’t spoken a word in two days. I don’t know what to do.”

She kept on talking but I couldn’t hear her anymore. None of this made sense. My dad doing what he’d done, Lucien’s visit, my mission, all of it had to be connected but I had no idea how. I know my dad would have never done what he’d done it wasn’t in his nature but here I was living proof that something wasn’t right with him. Did this have something to do with my deal with Lucien or was it something completely different? I had no idea. I was grasping at straws. I felt so tired and weary. My life used to be so simple something it would never be again. I had to figure this out before anyone else I cared about got hurt.

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