Confessiosn Chapter 33 The Journals A Trip Through Time

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Confessions The Journals

Chapter 33

A Trip Through Time

Even as I stepped from my car I felt it. It was a kind of awareness. It was as if the house itself had been waiting for not just me but all of us. Chills were spreading over my body, blanketing it like the winters first snow. Even through it's beauty the eerie familiarity that struck me upon my first true glimpse of Biltmore house seemed in itself to be one of the truths I had been searching for. I shook off those feelings glimpsing over at Cole only to see the others had joined us and I could see it in their eyes that they felt it too.

As we stood there in front of the entrance we seemed so out of place here. The four of us disheveled from lack of sleep wearing wrinkled clothes. This was most certainly not our element. This was a place for the posh, the rich, and at the least the very spoiled. It wasn't a place for teenagers. It carried an air of romance, intrigue, and something I couldn't quite put my finger on and that was only my glimpse from the outside. I held my breath for a moment and took Coles hand. If the outside had brought on such strong emotions I could only imagine what feelings the inside would dredge up.

With one last look to the others we stepped forward in unison. I had no idea what the others might be thinking or feeling but there on their faces was a look that might have said it all. They like me, looked as though we were headed for war, one we might not make it through. If there was to be a war then we had to at least make it through the initial check in. We made it to the front desk and a very unfriendly looking brunette with dull brown eyes came to attend to us. By the grim expression on her face, I could tell staying here might be a little bit difficult. There was a sort of mild distaste to her voice as she spoke to us.

"Can I help you?"

I was the first to speak, "Um, yes we need a couple of rooms for a few days I think." I hadn't meant to sound nervous but it couldn't be helped. The place was hell on your nerves when you weren't used to the kind of luxuries it could supply.

"Do you have a reservation?" She asked while glancing us over. Her expression looked as though she had just sucked on something a little too sour for her tastes.

"No we don't but we would still like a couple rooms." Max spoke up seeming a little irritated by the way she had glanced at him.

"I'm sorry without a reservation you can't get a room this time of year." She sounded a bit snooty when she said it and it really was really starting to get on my last good nerve.

"I know we don't have reservations but surely you have something available." M.B. spoke trying to sound sweet and good natured.

The brunette glanced at her computer. She looked like she was slightly bored. I happened to glance at her nametag. Her name was Mildred, no wonder she was seemed like she was a bitch. That's a name for one to my opinion anyways. It was only confirmed when she spoke next.

Using what could only be compared to an attitude like Stace's she rolled her eyes at me. "The only thing we have would be well out of your budget."

That pissed me off. She didn't even have a clue if we had money to pay for the room or not but just taking one look at us she assumed we didn't. There was something about her that reminded me so much of Stace that I couldn't hold back the bite my words had to them.

"Look, just tell me what it costs and I'll pay it." My words had a bite to them that should have warned her not to make me anymore angry than she already had but she was obviously to dense to understand.

"Honey, there's a nice motel six just down the way, so why don't you and your friends just head on over." She rolled her eyes and started to walk off and my temper flared. I couldn't see past the red that was now hazing my vision.

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