Confessions The Face Of My Enemies Chapter 27 The Journals

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The face Of My Enemies

Chapter 27

The Journals

My heart was pounding out a frantic rhythm and my body was frozen in place. Cole and Max were trying to push mom's ancient armoire in front of the bedroom door blocking access for our would be attackers. All I could think was where the hell is Lucien. I know I had thought it but I hadn't even realized I was screaming for him.

"Lucien, Lucien get your ass up here," broken sobs.......Lucien PLEASE!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. I wasn't sure if he could hear me but in my dream Lucien had tried to help.

I felt myself shaking uncontrollably knowing that by my actions I had killed us all. The shaking reverberated throughout my entire body. I clenched my fists. I would not lose my friends with out a fight. I knew I wouldn't win but I would fight with my last breath to keep them safe. I felt a hand wrap around my shoulder and a kind of calmness followed. I looked up to see Lucien staring down at me.

"I shouldn't be here helping you but I think that it's necessary this time."

"You knew about this didn't you, even when you told the others." I accused but I hadn't even realized I had even thought anything like that until the words were out.

I was about to apologize until I saw the look of regret in his eyes.

"You knew all along didn't you?...............You let me put them in danger."

I felt like screaming when he didn't answer. He had known I was going to get my friends killed all along.

"Cat, I'm sorry, I really am." was all he said looking down at me with sorrowful eyes.

"I fucking hate you," I screamed at him balling my fist up to hit him.

"This is what you wanted, I lose you get my soul, mom's, and the baby's." I sucked in air and spit my next sentence at him.

"Why them?" I gestured towards Cole and the others who were apparently oblivious to Lucien's presence.

"They haven't done anything." I let my fist fly towards his jaw. He didn't even flinch, so I hit him again. As, I was about to hit him a third time someone caught my arm from behind.

"Cat, I know I taught you better than this, and you Lucien are a piece of shit," Mom said through tightly clenched teeth, releasing my arm now that she knew it was safe.

"Maaahhhhhhom," I whined. "He's going to get them killed, why did you guys have to tell them and not warn them about the real danger? Tell them about Claus"

"Sweetie, no one is going to die today, I promise."

With one flick of her wrist, the armoire moved in front of the door without any effort. I could see a look of disapproval cross Lucien's face. Mom wasn't allowed to interfere and here she was trying to save our asses. That got the others attention. They all looked up seeing Lucien and mom for the first time since they had arrived. Looks of relief passed over their faces as if the danger were gone. I knew, however, that it was far from gone. Unless, Lucien and mom were going to help defend us we were dead anyways.

"Cat, there is a secret panel in the bathroom closet, it leads to a panic room that they can't get in. You and the others need to get there now." She used her finger to motion towards the towel closet that was now standing open with the shelves swinging towards us.

I could see a large metal door behind the shelves, "Cat the combination to the door is two, two, one, five, seven, three, six."

I heard something pound against our blockaded door. "Hurry, Cat." Mom said pointing towards the metal door.

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