Well this is Awkward

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Sorry too just toss it out there like that, but I feel the need too just get it out before I lose my nerve too be writing this. I mean, c'mon, who openly admits too pooping their self? Nobody comes to mind? I didn't expect anyone too.

This morning it happened. I wasn't planning in sharing this particular experience with you, or anyone for that matter. I was, In fact, Cooking up my in genuis plan too erase myself from everyone's life and relocating to Costa Rica under the name Isla Fknuckle. And yet, here I am, taking the time out of my VERY busy schedule which involves eating chocolate ice cream and coke. But I guess I'm sharing this paticular piece of pathetically patronizing load of poop too you.

I was playing with the dog in the lounge when I had the need too fart (for some reason, it feels much more embarrassing admitting that I as trying to fart than admitting that I pooped myself.) 

When I felt something warm trail down my thigh and pull in my panties. That was when I realised that I had POOPED myself!

I had to go to the bathroom and tell my (incredibly hot) roommate that I needed the bathroom urgently. I quickly ran past him hoping he wouldn't notice I had pooped myself. ( but of course he bloody did) I went to clean myself up when he just stormed in! I quickly covered my mess in the bath but he had saw. I immediately broke down in tears that he had see that.

He was good about it though. He just hugged me and said pointing to the dog 'he just goes wherever he likes'. I swear I had never felt so greatful for such a awesome roommate more than just then.

The next day at work, I called a meeting to tell this story,

"It's not that big of a deal." Joan replied.

"I bet you still looked good." Catherine told me.

"My brother says that everyone poops themselves at one point of their lives." Amelia said.

If this las fact is true, then come on ladies and gentleman, bring fourth your embarrassing pooping sories and don't let me be the only one to share their traumatising time with everyone. Seriously, I'm sitting here eating skittles feeling sorry for myself, so come on up guys!

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