Sing Our Song And Become Captivated

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Flora Hasten stared forlornly out of the hotel's window as the rain pelted against the glass. It was impossible to see anything through the curtain it formed; only a few dots of light here and there managed to pierce the gloomy darkness.

Flora sighed. This had supposed to be a fun trip: she and her boyfriend had come to this seaside town to celebrate her 17th birthday (much to the horror of her father) but almost as soon as they had arrived, it had started to rain. At first, Flora hadn't minded so much; the hotel had a good restaurant and there was a small fireplace in the room they had rented. Flora had planned on spending a cosy evening with Alois watching films while lying in front of the fire. Then Alois had received an owl from his family, carrying a note telling him to him to contact an employee of theirs stationed in the town. It had been something about a delivery he had sent late, Flora hadn't really been listening. She had merely forced him a smile and told him she could keep herself amused for a couple of hours.

Alois had returned late that night, well after Flora had gone to sleep. She had had high hopes for the day after. If the rain had stopped, they could have gone for a walk in the beach and explore the town a little but the rain hadn't stopped and as soon as she voiced her plans to Alois, he had looked very apologetic and told her that he would have to continue sorting the case of delivery-sent-late that day.

"But I'll make it up to you", he had said. "I'll have Father to pay us another trip. To France, for example, to that place you told me about."

Flora had smiled and told him that she would be holding him onto that promise. As Alois had kissed her goodbye, Flora had made a mental note to have a little chat with Alois' father about what would happen if he ruined another holiday with her boyfriend. Idly she had wondered if this was some kind of payback for the time when Flora's Aunt had stood him up.

That had happened four hours ago. Flora had tried to venture out a little but it was raining so heavily she had ducked into the first open café she had found. She had spent some time there but had finally grown bored at watching a group of old men talk about politics and had returned to the hotel. That was where she had been for the last hour or so, sitting on the window sill watching the rain.

Flora sighed again. "Happy birthday to me", she muttered crossly to her reflection. Naturally Alois had had to choose her birthday to stay away to deal with matters his father couldn't be bothered to do himself. "Happy bloody birthday to me, indeed..."

So engrossed she was in her thoughts (most of which were concerned with turning Alois' father into a toad) that she almost missed it. Soon she became aware of another sound besides the rain drumming steadily against the glass: a soft, haunting tune that sounded like... singing?

Flora pressed her face against the glass in an attempt to see through the curtain of rain. Who in their right minds would be out singing in this ghastly weather? Despite her efforts she couldn't see anything so she gave up and focused merely on listening. It didn't sound like a human voice, she decided. It was too eerie and too beautiful and if she listened hard enough, she could almost make out what she (the voice sounded feminine in her opinion) was singing about.

"Come... come to... join us under..."

"Under what?" Flora asked out loud. No matter how hard she listened, she could not make out the last words. How irritating. Perhaps if she went outside...


Startled at the sudden sound, Flora banged her forehead against the glass and nearly fell from the sill. She stared at Alois who had appeared at the doorway with a dumbfounded expression. The song had ended; the only sound left was the rain against the glass.

Alois approached her carefully. "Are you okay?" he asked.

Flora sprang to her feet. "Didn't you hear that?" she demanded.

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