Cupid, Painted Blind

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You never look at me,

You never notice that I am there.

And it hurts every time I see you when;

I see you laughing and joking with her.

If you only knew how much,

It hurt.

The pain that I feel,

it feels as if my heart is being ripped in two.

Just because I am seen as a monster,

An evil bitch,

A person who has no heart,

That feels no mercy,

No pain,


It doesn’t mean that I am,

It doesn’t mean that I feel nothing.

Because if I felt nothing,

I wouldn’t feel like every time I see you smiling,

Looking deeply into her eyes,

Or gently brushing your lips against hers.

That my world is exploding,

That everything I lived for is gone.

I am nothing but a shadow,

A ghost,

A mere speck of…

I was interrupted from my writing by the door to the common room opening; I looked up from my piece of parchment to who was entering only to find that it was Makius Delif 

“Hello Creusa,” he purred, making my nose crinkle, I hated him when he did that. For many reason’s but mostly because he was an arse to me and he thought he stood a chance, which he clearly didn’t.

            “Delif,” I growled, as I turned my attention back to the piece of writing in front of me.

            “Oh I thought we were past all that last name business, you see because I no longer call you by your last name, instead I use you’re beautiful first name, Creusa.”

            “No Delif, you think we are past that stage but as you can see and hear we clearly aren’t. Now if you don’t mind I would like to get back to my work, thank you.” 

            Did I mention that Makius was a stubborn arse who couldn’t pick up on social cues? Instead of buggering off like I hoped he would he just strode over to me and knelt down so that his eyes were at my level. I sighed but continued to look over my poem praying quietly that he would leave. But I had no such luck

            “So what are you working on?”

            “Science,” I stated looking up at him, my velvet blue gaze meeting his chocolate brown ones. “Now will you sod off?”

            “Such hurtful words dear Creusa.”

            I inhaled deeply trying to calm the anger that was slowly starting to take over me, I couldn’t help it, he just did it to me, he made me so angry in only seconds, so angry that I wanted to wrap both of my hands around his throat and kill him. I grabbed my pen off the desk and shoved it angrily into my bag  along with my papers, books and all the other things that I bought down before jumping to my feet and walking toward the girls dorms. At least there I would get a little piece and quiet and not be annoyed to the extent of murder.

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