Chapter 11

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"And then he fell, it was the funniest thing ever" Maggie's laugh was very contagious. We sat on the chairs placed in our porch.

"So how do you like it here so far?" She started playing with her ring, it meant something to her I could tell.

"Not bad actually I could get used to this" I looked up, it was getting dark and something about the darkness opened my eyes to the reality of the situation I'm in.  Im surrounded by change and I don't seem to mind it.

"Hey Maggie can I ask you something?"

"I already know what youre about to ask? Keith right?"

"Its just why is he so.."

"Annoying,rude,cocky?" she moved around

"Well yeah"

"Keith and I have known eachother ever since we were kids, I remember the first time I met him he was alone on the beach picking shells and lining them across the sea. He looked really lonely and sad, I came up to him started talking to him and believe me it was not easy, but I guess ever since I came here and met him we grew closer and closer."  She paused glancing at me hoping I was paying attention.

"He's not the type to open up he drives us crazy because we hardly knows what he thinks most of the time but we truly love and care for him and I think it goes the other way round too. Everyone is interwind by something that makes us feel vulnerable right? Most of us are aware of that one thing that holds us back from the present, the one thing that weakens us. I shouldn't be the one telling you what Keith went through as a person but trust me when I say that there's a reason to it, be patient Em. He likes you take it from me" She winked and I blushed.

Its been more than an hour and yet im still thinking about it, what could possibly be the reason? Did anything happen with his family? Ash told me he lived here but somehow his family hardly seem to be part of his life. But again I just arrived and Maggie does have a point I don't really know well enough to make assumptions about his life.

It was late when I woke up again, I didn't bother checking the time but the sky looked tired as ever. Dark blue covered with a layer of stars and the moon watching over them. Everything about what's above made it hard to sit in my room and just stare at it from afar.

I wore my cardigan and headed to the beach. It was dark with very little light beaming its way through the lamps.My hair was fighting its way through the wind. My attention was caught when I saw Keith.

He  sat bending his knees to where his face would cover his mouth, he looked at the sea as if he was waiting for something. Seashells were lined in front of him and he was lightly stroking them as if they were on the verge of breaking. He looked peaceful.

He heard my steps as I approached him and turned his head lending his eyes to the sea again.

"Its late, shouldn't you be asleep by now?" He asked, it was very hard to tell whether he was concerned or just asking for the sake of curiosity.

"Same goes to you" I chose to sit next to him looking at the shells he picked out, they were very delicate.

He didn't say anything and smiled ever so lightly to himself

"They're beautiful" I stared at the sky again, started counting the many stars I can.

"Do you like them?" He pushed himself to lay on his back and had his arms positioned like a pillow to shield his head from the sand.

"You mean the stars?" His words were gentle it was hardly imaginable that this was the same Keith I spoke to earlier. 

He nodded still watching the sky with fascination.

"I envy them"

He turned facing me his eyes demanding an explanation

"Being up there makes me feel envious, I always thought that they each have their own story but somehow they're connected and joined together by one thing."

"The sky"

I nodded slightly laughing at myself for saying that out loud.

"But why do you envy them?"

"They look like they escaped from something if it makes sense, like they're finally free which is why they glow really bright even when the sky is the darkest and the dimmest It can ever be"

"I always thought they were stuck" He remarked. "They're just always there wherever I go, they don't move in my eyes and they make me feel like there's no escape."

"Well I guess its all about perspective isn't it?" I was suddenly interested in knowing the many reasons and possibilities as to why he might say that.

He turned again, looking at me. Searching for my eyes to give me the answer. We stayed there for a while just staring at the stars.

"Is that why you like looking at the sea?" I paused. "Because its free, because in your eyes they move and never stay still"

"You should  probably go back, its getting really late" He got up, breaking the silence of my question. "Em" He smirked, just when I thought we were getting along.

I rolled my eyes and chose to sigh instead of wasting my energy, I was tired and he was right.

He walked me back to the house and he hasn't uttered a word until we reached. "Goodnight Em" He didn't wait for any response as I stood there watching him go.


Hey guys!

I uploaded a new chapter finally and its been so long. Hope you enjoy it, made the chapter a little longer than my previous once. Excuse the mistakes and please feel free to comment or vote if you liked it.

Also I decided to remove the pictures of how the characters of my story look like because I find it more suitable if I gave you guys the freedom to "imagine" them or perceive them the way you want to. But let me know if you want me to keep adding images.


Thank you


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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2016 ⏰

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