Chapter 10

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"Hey Em"
"What are you doing here" I asked my heart skipped a beat, why is he here?
"Come outside"
I obeyed surprisingly, and opened the door quietly I didn't want to wake my uncle.

"You know you're quite feisty for a girl, that hurt like hell" he smiled halfway and looked at me
"That was my intention" I attacked sounding a bit annoyed.
He laughed and I couldn't help but laugh too
I hated him so much but that smile, he was very attractive and being the hormonal teenager I am i just lost it.
"I came here to give you this, you dropped it a while ago" he handed me a coin. A freakin coin!
"What a lame excuse for wanting to see me" I had no idea why I just said that but it really was a lame excuse
"Don't get a head of yourself Emmmm" His cockiness attitude flashed back.
Gritting my teeth I looked him in the eyes and said "Don't. Call. Me. That."
"Okay Em I won't" he stared right back.
" I hate you so much"
" Trust me the feeling's mutual " I just want to slap him so hard with a chair that's made of needles
"Adios Em"

Sighing at what just happened I went back to my room and slept cursing Keith to death.
   The next morning I woke up, but to think that i actually woke up because I wanted was the biggest lie in the world, instead of smelling pancakes I heard Maggie's bubbly voice.

   "Wakie Wakie Emm" she started clapping her hands and dancing everywhere. Is she even normal? What kind of person acts as if they've been drinking 10 cans of redbull in the morning, this should be illegal.
   "Oh my god! My headd!!" I groaned and got up, remembering what uncle Ashton has told me about working today and Maggie taking to the restraunt  showing me around, she works there too apparently.
   I got ready and made my way downstairs as usual, and then I heard my uncle talking to the phone.
   "Okay okay I got it, why do you have to repeat the same thing over and over my head God dammit "
   "She's fine she's breathing I swear on my life she's alive, here talk to her" he showed me the desperate please get me out of this look and I simply smiled taking the phone do I even need to ask who it is.
   "Hey ma"
   " Hello, how are you honey? Is everything okay? Is your uncle feeding you well?" And she went on and and on asking me trillion questions and I tried my best keeping up with everything she's saying but my uncle pointed at the clock on the wall indicating that I'm gonna be late. Maggie was busy eating so we didn't have to worry about her
  "Okay ma I have to go now I'll be late for work"
  "Alright alright bye honey take care"
  "Finally" Uncle Ashton held his hands high up in the air as if he was thanking God for the miracle that just occurred to us
"Okay okay let's go" I waved off and called Maggie

  "She looks so perfect standing there with my American aparel  underwear and I know now.." Maggie was singing so loudly.

  I looked out the window glancing at a young couple in the beach roaming around hand to hand and laughing with each other.

  That reminded me of my parents, before the divorce obviously. My dad took  us to the beach one day, when I was about 12. He would sit with my mother and they would talk and laugh about things while I was being the child I am building my sand castle 3000. It was waterproof for about 2 minutes until the stupid wave decided to destroy it.

I smiled at the thought of it  never forgetting that it was one of the best days of my life.

   We finally reached the restraunt and it wasn't very crowded since it was a seafood restaurant people usually eat lunch there. The restaurant was very successful, it was undeniable that uncle had a gift with cooking seafood and that explains how big it was.

   "Suzy we're here" uncle Ashton shouted at the lady with red hair pouring coffee into a middle aged man's cup. She looked up and noticed me a huge smile on her face was drawn.

   "You must be Emilyy" she ran up to me and gave me a huge hug. I gave Maggie a questionable look and she mouthed 'you'll get used to it'
   I smiled when she let go " You look exactly like your uncle oh my"
   "She sure is lucky" uncle stated making his way to the 'staff room' I rolled my eyes
   "So have you bad any experience working as a waitress? Or a cashier?" She asked handing me a uniform "you're small right?"

   "I've had a school assignment once and chashiered but waitring no I don't think so, and I'm actually medium" I smiled.

  She had a southern acent and it was kind of interesting to hear her talk
  "Okay honey, well I'll get you a medium. Also waitring isn't that hard I'll teach you the basics and you'll get the hang of it"

  Once she came back with the uniform she asked me if I could try it on and so I did, walking out of the toilet I spotted Adam, Jace and the twit.

  "You look good Em" I blushed at Adam's compliment and thanked him
  "I'm hungry" Jace looked like he was on the verge of death.
They all sat on a table next to the window.

  "So that section is your side of the table and here are your first customers you'll do great Em" Maggie pointed at the guys and Jace was waving at us, Keith was on his phone.

   I walked towards them feeling a bit nervous but smiled and greeted them "Hey guys, welcome to Fish Grill" I gave them the menu and Keith looked at my uniform and smirked. That pervert

  "We don't need the menu thanks though" Adam collected the menus and gave them to me, he's so nice why can't Keith act like him.

   "Cool, so what would you like?"
   Jace and Adam told me what they wanted and I simply noted it down, Keith was left. I couldn't help but change my attitude towards him.
  "What do you want?" I snapped it came out as if I was disgusted by something
  " You "  I swear I was actually going to write that down then the realization came up to me and hit me like a rock.

" funny." The sarcasm was obviously playing a huge part right now.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAH you were actually gonna write that down?" Jace laughed
"Oh shush" I defended
" You can't speak to customers like that Em" My Uncle came out of nowhere
"Boys" he greeted them and they all nodded and say hey
After I was done with the boys I was told by Maggie to give the orders to Suzy and so I did, she was the chef along with my uncle.

   It was a long day but I had fun, I was done with work so I changed my clothes and Maggie waited.
   "So what do you wanna do?" I asked her as were walking. It was getting dark
   "I was thinking your house. My mom has friends over" Maggie informed me and I agreed, it would be fun.

Helewww my fellow readers
I've made this chapter a bit longer, some people messaged me requesting that so here you go. As usual hope you enjoy this chapter, and support me by voting commenting or even reading please❤️❤️
Thank you so much for 1.77K readers :)

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