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Chorong pov

I slap his cheeks "I hate you!"

Then i leave him behind with a dissapointed feelings.


I walk along the alley but suddenly i saw someone.

Someone that i know..


Is he..


I walk near him and poke his shoulder.

He turn around and its true that it is him.

"Jungkook"I smile happily.

Finally , i saw him.

"Oh h-hey"He stuttered.

"Why you didn't come to school today?"I ask.

He look to the ground "I have.. I have something important thing to do"


Then , we become silence again.

"Jungkook , can you accompany me-"

"I can't. Mianhae"

"Oh o-okay"



"Why did you seem like you want to avoid yourself from seeing me?"




"You what?"I look at him curiously.

"I think we should.."

"We should what?"

"Break up.."

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