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So I decided to put out how I wanted to end this, so here you go:


Daniel, Joel, Calum, and even Luke ended up getting messages from the people who were trying to capture Dani. As the messages were getting more frequent, Daniel decided to distance himself from Dani in order to protect her.

Dani started feeling like she did something wrong, so one day she confronts Daniel about it. He lashed out and almost hits Dani. This causes her to fear him, and stay with Joel for a while.

Calum comes into Melbourne every other week to make sure she's still safe and alive.

On the day of Clarice's mom's wedding, Daniel and Dani talk and make up. At the reception, Dani starts to feel a bit hot so she went outside to get some fresh air while Joel went to the bathroom. While she was outside, someone chloroforms her, causing her to pass out.

Joel walks outside to get Dani, only to see her being put into the car. He chases after the car, yelling for them to stop, but one of the men there punches Joel, knocking him out.

When Joel regains consciousness, he is inside one of the hotel rooms where Kelsey is making sure he's okay. As soon as he sits up, he starts explaining how he saw Dani get kidnapped.

As they hatch a plan to try to find Dani, they get a phone call from an unknown number. Joel answers the phone and puts it on speaker. The first thing they hear is Dani screaming for help, followed by a menacing laugh.

"Why hello Joel," Nash says. "I just thought I would take what is mine."

"Why would you do this?" Joel yells into the phone.

"I just said I'm taking back what is mine," he replies. "Now, if you listen carefully, you may be able to get her back without a single scratch."

"Joel, don't do it," Dani screams, only to be slapped.

"Shut up," Sophia commands. "Now, listen up. If you want this skank back, all you have to do is this: within an hour, come to the location we send you alone. No cops, no friends. Got it?"

"Yes," Joel says.

"Good." They hang up and Joel gets a message.

Everyone, especially Luke, Daniel, and Calum, try to convince Joel not to go.

"I have to save her," he states. "I love her." He gets into his car, only to be stopped by Calum.

"There's no way I'm letting you drive up there by yourself," he says getting into the passenger seat. After a minute of arguing, Joel reluctantly agrees and drives to the warehouse. He gets there and parks his car. He tells Calum to stay in the car before he makes his way inside.

"I'm here," he calls out before a man restrains him.

"Good, you're here," Nash says. "Now here comes the fun part." The man ties him up to a chair next to Dani, whose mouth is duck taped. "Only one of you gets out of here." Sophia walks in with a gun and hands it to him. "You have five minutes to decide." Sophia takes off the duct tape before they leave them alone.

"Joel, just let them kill me," she cries. Soon enough, they hear sirens.

"I thought I said no cops," Nash angrily says walking into the room. Sophia follows right behind him as they untie the couple. They lead them towards a door before Joel turns around and starts a fight with Nash. Dani does the same thing and punches Sophia. Sophia starts to run away as a gunshot is heard. Dani turns around to see Joel on the ground. She runs to his side as Nash and Sophia try to escape.

"No, you can't leave me," Dani cries as she holds Joel. "Please don't go."

"I love you," he manages to get out through the pain. "I'm not going anywhere." He knows his life is fading away, but he savors his last moments with her. "Promise me you'll find someone who loves you."

"I did," she whispers. "I'm not letting you go."

"Dani," he says. He tries to lean up, but is struggling due to the pain. "I love you." He gives her a lingering kiss before his eyes close.

"No! You can't leave!" Dani screams. The paramedics take him away from her. Daniel and Calum hold her as they take him away from her. Once they make it to the hospital, they tell him he's gone.

Joel's funeral happens a few days later, which is followed by Sophia's and Nash's trial.

A few weeks after the trial, prom come up. By that point, Dani pulls out of the Reece Mastin tour, posted one last video about Joel's death, and is not going to prom.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to prom?" Daniel asks. She nods. "Well, I have to help Beau chaperone so see you later." Daniel kisses Dani's forehead before leaving. She sighs as she lays in bed.

"Now how come you're in a pair of shorts and a tank top," she hears Joel's voice. She sits up to see him sitting on her desk.

"Joel?" she questions. "How are you here?"

"I'm here because I don't want to see my true love all sad," he says standing up. "It's been more than a month since I've been gone. You need to move on. I want you to move on."

"Even from beyond the grave you still care," she jokes.

"And I always will," he says giving her a hug. "I'm always going to be watching over you."

"I miss you," she cries.

"I know," he says wiping her tears. "Now, you need to get ready."

"Why?" Dani asks.

"You'll see," he smiles. He kisses her cheek. "Until next time." He soon disappears. Dani brings her hand up to her cheek. A knock at her window brings her out of her thoughts. She turns around to see Luke in a tux.

"What are you doing here?" she asks as she opens her window. "Shouldn't you be at prom?"

"I was just about to ask you the same thing," Luke says climbing in. "I have a letter for you though. Joel told me to give it to you." She takes the letter from him and reads it. She tears up and hugs Luke.

"Thanks you," she tells him.

"Now go on and get ready. You have a prom to attend," Luke tells her. She smiles and nods as she heads into the bathroom. She quickly does her makeup and hair before putting on the dress Joel bought for her. She smiles and turns around as she feels Joel's hand on her shoulder.

"You know he'll love you as much as I did," he whispers. She smiles before making her way out to Luke.

They drive to prom and have an amazing night. As the last song of the night comes on, Luke and Dani are slow dancing.

"I know this may be a bit too soon, especially because I know how you feel, but I love you Daniella," Luke confesses. "I may not be Joel, but I promise you to love you just as much as he did. So will you be my girlfriend?" Dani smiles and kisses him.


And that's where it ends. I thought I would at least let you guys know how it ends. Hope you guys enjoyed this. This was 4 years into the making. I wish I was able to finish it, but I honestly just haven't had the motivation to. If any of you want to write complete chapters for this, just message me.

So this is finally done.

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