"mommy daddy were are we going why is every one running away were is big brother " little baby papyrus said has he hold on to his mom and dad to dear life as they ran away form the humans papyrus dad put his son down " papyrus everything will be okay whatever happen don't open this door" " yes sweetie mummy will be back soon" with that they close the door and went off running a few screams of pain and crying and sounds of souls shattering could be heard baby papyrus holds on to his teddy bear his brother gave him and sob into it after all the noise it went quite two hours pass papyrus still sobbing into his bear he was hunger and was sleepy he hold his bear "m-mommy d-d-daddy broth-er " he heard some foot coming he got scared when the door open papyrus hope it was his mom or dad or even his brother but a human stand before him the human took papyrus shove him in a bag "help HELP" cried papyrus the human throw the bag were the baby bones in a van and drive away "HELP HELP MOM DAD S-SANS" someone help me when the bag was open i crawl out with my bear in my hand i was in a room with a table the table had a bottle of milk and some food papyrus ran to it and took some he drank the milk when he was done he ate the mash up food before him making a hole mess all over his face when he was done he drop his teddy and fell to the ground holding his tummy in pain and lights of orange and green glow cam form his body he scream in pain tears in his eyes the humans outside the room watch and write what they saw until an someone said a monster is trying to break out papyrus hold his teddy crying in so much pain his little body couldn't handle
not to far gaster blaster's could be heard sans run past a room and saw papyrus crying he open the door grab papyrus and ran as fast as light sans stop when they were sowndin he saw an old house in the forest he open the door dust and spider webs were every were he rest paps on the floor paps was asleep sans saw how low papyrus HP was grrr they could of killed him "i won't let anything happen to you bro i swear to my life"