Chapter 1

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Avery's p.o.v

I walk around the school only to be noticed to get shoved into lockers, be tripped, and those not so lovely snide comments. Otherwise I'm invisible the rest of the day, besides my best friends Jay and Mikey. But of course they aren't even here today.

" Hey Emo", I look up to see Claire. Claire is the pack sluts' (Jazmina) number one minion." You look a little warm. Why don't I help you with that." I look at Claire confused, but before I could move, my hoodie was ripped off of me. Damn, that was on of my favorites! Claire grabs my throat and slams me into the lockers behind me. "Now everyone can see your emo scars."

She walks away laughing and high-fiving her minions. And the day has just started.. Yaay( sarcasm)!! I go to my locker and put on my extra hoodie, then grab my headphones and start playing music. Just proving how freaky this world is Bully by Three Days Grace starts playing. I shut my locker ( which has profanities written all over it) and walk to my first class


And I have managed to survive till lunch. Avery: 1 Bullies: lost count. Then of course Jazmina dumps her lunch on me.

"Oops! Wrong trashcan,"she says with fake innocence and catches up with the rest of the cheerleaders. Maybe I should just ditch, leave the tormenters to wallow in there boredom. I walk out of the cafeteria to go to the bathroom, but instead get grabbed by the football players and start a mosh pit. They shove me around, trip me, kick me while I'm down and finally leave after the bell rings. I have a bloody nose, bruised ribs, and a twisted or rolled wrist. Screw getting cleaned up! I'll be fine thanks to the faster healing of being a werewolf.

I'm playing Temple Run 2 when I slam right into somebody's chest. I start to fall but then he grabs out to help balance me. That had sends tingles up and down my arm. Mate!! I look up into lively blue eyes, blonde hair, and a scar on his top lip. Alpha Blaine! He can put a stop to the tormenting! My mate will put a stop to this hell. my own personal hell. He'll hel- my thoughts stop when I see the look on his face. Discussed. No love like in the fairy tales that have us all brainwashed! I already know that he's going to reject me. So I just stand here, ready for the blow. 


" Why would the Goddess give me a freak like you as my mate?! Who even wants you around?! You're just a waste of space and air! So why don't you just go home and play with your razors Emo!" And to think this is a grown man. " I, Blaine Hart, reject you..." God he didn't even know my name. I write down my name and give it to him. " ... Avery Rivers, as my mate!"

I take a deep breath, nod, then walk away. I don't cry until I know that he's out of sight. He may be wondering why I wrote my name instead of saying it. That's simple; ever since my parents died two years ago attacking rouges, I've been mute by choice. My brother Devon, was closer to them than me and he blames me for there death. You see, since Devon is Alpha Blaine's Beta, he commanded everyone to treat me as Omega. Before, we use to be the perfect siblings. The only guys he let me hang out with was his best friend, Blaine. Then a total change. But all this is how I met my best friends Jay and Mikey Dawson. They're part of another pack but live here because they're... well they're just weird like that. 

( Next part may be triggering!!!!!)

I reach my little apartment that I can barely afford. I'm technically still a minor and live with an adult, but my only living family member is Devon. And I think we all know how that would work... I suddenly snap out of my thoughts and look around my apartment to see that its been trashed. On the walls it says ' Slut, Whore, Fuckup, ugly loser, retard, freak, unloved and unwanted, die, cutter" in a rainbow of colors and finally the one that sticks out ' KILL YOURSELF!!' 

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